Chapter 14

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(Timeskip Two Days before the start of the finals for the Chunin Exams and Two Weeks since Naruto and Temari's wedding)

Sunagakure no sato

Naruto woke up as the sunrays came in through the window and hit his face. He yawned and stretched his body when he felt something snuggle into his chest and gazed down. He looked at the free flowing hair of his blonde girlfriend, now wife and smiled. He kissed the top of her head and pulled her closer by her slender naked waist and let her cuddle up to him. They had enjoyed their first week of marriage a lot but then much to his charging her responsibilities for the finals had come up over her. He too had been working hard but not nearly as hard as her. She had to take care of everything, from the preparations, to the places where the dignitaries would stay, the official food stalls and betting areas. He had taken over her duties for the responsibility of security for the finals from her and Gaara, who too had been buried neck deep in paperwork. He rubbed her back softly as she turned around and he pulled her to his chest, making her back press against his firm chest. He put his cheek over hers and knew she was awake now and just playing to be asleep. He pressed his lips on her cheek softly and nibbled her ear softly in his teeth.

"You know if you are awake then you shouldn't act like you're asleep hime, let me see those pretty teal green pools of yours." He whispered softly and she smiled and opened her eyes with a cute yawn turning around in his arms and gazed into her husband's eyes lovingly.

"Hey you." She whispered softly making him smile and kiss her softly with a chaste kiss and brought her close hugging her. She snuggled in his arms and Naruto brought the blanket up covering their naked bodies up to their necks.

"So how have the preparations been going hime?" he asked and she sighed tiredly and pressed herself to him saying nothing making him chuckle softly.

"So it was that tiring huh?" he asked playfully and she nodded in his chest while he kept brushing her hair with his fingers.

"Please don't ask me about it. None of those idiots know anything to do without my guidance. Please tell me you took care of all the security measures nicely?" she asked softly and he nodded pecking her with a smile.

"Of course love, there's nothing to worry about. All the shinobi will be notified of their security protocols today by the ANBU and jounin commander personally. I kept everyone in the dark until the last moment so no leak could be made for any breach of security." He said and she smiled and hugged him happily. He heard the bell to the house ring and was surprised at the sudden interference.

"Were you expecting someone hime?" he asked and she shook her head innocently. He nodded and got up making her whine. He chuckled and captured her lips in a soft gentle kiss and rubbed her cheek softly.

"I'll see who it is alright hime." He said and she nodded pouting at the lack of her morning cuddles and he put on his pyjamas and walked out of the room and down the stairs. He opened the door and saw Matsuri standing there and was surprised at seeing her this early in the morning.

"Ohayo Matsuri, do you need something?" he asked politely and was confused at her blushing but realized he wasn't wearing a T-shirt and smiled in amusement at her staring. He waved his hand in front of her and she broke out of her stupor with her blush intensifying.

"Umm Namikaze-sama, Kazekage-sama wanted me to inform you and Temari-sama that she would have to welcome the dignitaries arriving today at noon. He also asked me if you have prepared all the security measures or not." she said politely and he nodded.

"Alright I'll inform Temari of the welcoming arrangements. Tell Gaara not to worry about the security arrangements, the plans will reach him at lunch on his desk. Tell him not to worry and handle all the other diplomatic stuff and leave this to me." He said in an authoritative voice and she bowed and nodded at the military commander of Suna in respect.

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