"Who is this shinobi you speak so highly of Kazekage-dono? He must be something special to do so much for the village in such little time." asked Danzo a bit too curiously making his eyes narrow at the crippled coot.

"Oh he's something alright." Thought Temari with a blush as she traced the ring on her finger happily. Tsunade caught her blush and her eyebrows rose in surprise.

"Well well, looks like the Desert Princess has a crush on this mysterious shinobi. That certainly would make the talks… interesting." She thought with a smirk and turned to Gaara as they waited for his answer.

"I don't see this as being important to the talks of the alliance, I guess we are getting off track." He said stoically making the elders scowl while Tsunade smirked at his skillful dodging of the questions knowing how much this boy intrigued those coots and how Gaara was taking her revenge on them. As Koharu was about to get some more information on him but Tsunade cut her off.

"You're right Kazekage-dono let's get on with the talks." She said with a smile making them all smile and the elders to scowl.

"Kazekage-dono our villages have been old comrades in arms and the invasion was just a ploy on our common enemies plot so we hold no grudges…" started Homura and Gaara nodded gratefully that his father's mistakes were forgotten and they were willing to move on. "… so we have found a really nice and old custom used for holding strong and stable alliances that has been with us for generations now." He finished and Gaara looked at him curiously motioning for them to go on.

"A political marriage." Danzo said as Gaara thought about it for a moment and Temari too knew that it had been done in the past several times to strengthen ties. Her father too had told her that one day she might have to go through with it but luckily she found her blonde haired idiot she thought fondly.

"Yes I can see the point in that though there must be people of great importance from both sides and I don't think that a girl from the leaf will be willing to settle down with me so I guess that I wasn't your choice." He asked and they all nodded at his assessment and he nodded back.

"Well then who did you have in mind?" he asked and the elders all nodded to Tsunade who sighed as she flared her chakra and an ANBU appeared with Sasuke coming behind him and stood behind them smiling smugly. Gaara raised an eyebrow to Tsunade who just gave him an apologetic glance and he was confused as to why he was called in the middle of such an important talk.

"I'm sorry but I thought we were having important political talks so why have you allowed him here?" he asked pointing to the Uchiha who had that arrogant smirk on his face.

"Well Kazekage-dono as I'm sure you already know this is Sasuke Uchiha, the most promising upcoming jounin we have and the last Uchiha of our village." Said Koharu with pride and he raised an eyebrow at Tsunade.

"He is your most promising upcoming jounin Hokage-dono?" he asked apprehensively and Sasuke's smirk died down a bit.

"Why is there something wrong with that?" he asked rudely and Gaara gave him a stern glare making him shiver from the bloodlust in his eyes as he turned to Tsunade and gave her a stern look.

"I would suggest you teach your most promising upcoming jounin the manners to talk to the Kazekage of the Sand and remind him, he may be the last Uchiha but I am the Kazekage and he must remember the ranks carefully." He said and she nodded apologetically and turned to the arrogant Uchiha with a glare.

"Sasuke Uchiha mind your place and do not forget who you are talking to. Do not speak unless you are spoken to. Am I clear?" she asked coldly and he nodded with a grunt and she turned back to Gaara.

Desert Flower - [Rewrite]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora