"I'm sorry I was just too…" she said but was cut off as he pressed his lips on hers in a gentle kiss and gave her a smile. "I know." He said softly putting a lock of hair behind her ear and she smiled and nodded as he suddenly lifted her hand and kissed the back of it and looked at her curiously.

"Hime do you love me?" he asked and she was confused at the sudden question but answered nonetheless.

"More than you could ever know." She whispered softly rubbing his cheek as he leaned in to her touch making her smile.

"Do you trust me?" he asked and she answered whole heartedly.

"More than I trust myself." She whispered softly and a small smile lit up his face.

"Will you be with me?" he asked and she smiled.

"I'm already yours my ball of sunshine." She whispered and he smiled genuinely happy and suddenly slid a platinum ring in the shape of a nine tailed fox with a red ruby in its' eye in the third finger in her left hand and she gasped as she looked at him with tears in her eyes as he gazed at her lovingly.

"Then marry me." He whispered and she threw herself in his arms as he caught her in his arms and she cried in his chest. He smiled softly and rubbed her back gently trying to sooth the hysterically crying girl.

"And here I thought you would be happy for getting the ring." He said playfully and she giggled as she hit his chest lightly and grabbed his collar of the jacket and smiled. "Baka shut up and kiss me." She said and pulled him to her as she captured his lips and pushed her lips to his with all her might. She licked his bottom lip softly and he opened his mouth and she pushed her tongue in exploring his caverns completely and Naruto saw that she was trying to show what she felt and let her do what she wanted and gently massaged her tongue with his own and she moaned in the kiss as she put her hand on the back of his neck and pulled him close to her deepening the kiss. Naruto's eyes glazed as he had never felt her kiss him so passionately before and as she broke of he saw her tongue a bit red with blood and trace his finger on his lip seeing she had bitten him slightly and saw her panting gazing at him lovingly. She dove on again this time she caught his bottom bleeding lip in her own and sucked on it softly making him grunt in pleasure as she broke off after a couple of minutes as he brought her close and put her head on his chest and his chin on her head running his fingers in her hair as she sighed happily.

"Hime do you think I proposed a bit early?" he asked nervously after a few minutes of happy silence and she looked at him with an amused smile as she wrapped her arms around his neck and their faces were inches off as he tried to lean in but she would lean back equally making him growl as she giggled.

"Well that's a really interesting question after proposing me you know." She said playfully and he blushed in embarrassment as she giggled. "Why did you ask are you having any doubts?" she asked knowing that wasn't the reason and knew why he was asking it but wanted to hear it from him.

"No it isn't that but you know Kankuro told me that in a relationship first the couple you know…" he trailed off blushing and she giggled at his shyness.

"Have sex?" she asked playfully and he blushed and stuttered a 'Hai' making her giggle.

"Well when have we been a normal couple? You had an extreme make out session and gave me the best first kiss a girl could ever ask for and asked me to be your girlfriend before you took me to my first date that was equally as romantic as I could hope for where I told you that I wanted to have a family and spend my life with you. So I guess three years of dating and proposing without having sex is not that unusual and sex isn't the only thing in a relationship love, our bond is the strongest thing we need" she said softly and he nodded seeing her point as she continued. "And we could you know have sex if you want, I have already told you I'll let you have me anytime you want. So want to do it now?" she asked playfully and giggled as he turned bright red and pecked him rubbing his whiskers softly.

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