Chapter 8

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'WHAT!?' Exclaimed the two boys in unison at the new voice. They looked at the door to see Chandini enter the house like it was hers. Well, in a way it was. It was her brother's.

C: What What? I thought you two were fighting about your favourite IPL teams!

V: Shut up Chandini!

S: Yeah, whoever you are!

C: I happen to be the sister of the fool right in front of your face. Who are you!?

S: I am- um. His friend!

C: Whatever, I have a flight tomorrow. I am going oversees to see my friend. I thought I'll come a day early and just relax..

V: Whatever! Do as you please..

Veer was in no mood to argue with anyone. His emotions were all over the place and mentally, he was exhausted. He could not except the fact that every moment he spent with his wife was a lie and that she double dated him. She even married him while juggling another man. What if there was a third man in this equation? What if she dumped both him and Shivaay so easily because she already had someone else.

These questions were driving Veer mad. He picked the first thing he saw- which was a large silver eagle showpiece and smashed it on the glass feature behind the wall. Shivaay ducked last minute and stared at Veer with wide eyes.

S: Well, that was unexpected!

He stared at the splattered glass pieces. Was this the mess he made every time when he got angry and broke things? Why did he feel like his heart was in more pieces that all the pieces of glass round him. Annika was the first girl he got this close to. Yes, he did date but never did he not feel like a younger sugar daddy. All these girls saw him for his money and kissed the ground he walked on. Annika made him feel so different! Like he mattered. She saw the real him behind those heaps of money. She was so different from him yet his heart never found someone closer. It ripped him apart to think every emotion that he felt was a lie. Was it?

V: I'll go mad. I- I have to go..

S: What? Where?

V: Look, I know you are hurt too but she is my legally wedded wife for devil's sake!

S: Pandit nakli arrange ho jaate hai...

V: Get over yourself! Those arrangements were made by my dad and then we signed papers in the court solidifying things. Cheat or no cheat- she is legally bound to me and there is no way she can get away with all this mess without giving me answers..

Veer straightened his brow with his thumb as he clenched his jaw and walked out.

S: I know we did not get married but Shivaay Singh Oberoi will not let anyone make him a fool.

He did his signature hand move in his hair and left too.

Chandini smirked from upstairs, overlooking at them.

C: Hahaha...fools!


Shivaay landed in Delhi while Veer landed in Bangalore. They both rushed to the venues they expected their partners to be. However, their partners were not at the places they'd expected.

They both took their phones to check the location. Two hot headed men, miles away, one in Delhi another in Bangalore scream in unison.


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