Chapter three

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After having lunch with Nicholas she went back to work on her flie on her computer when received a call from her mother she was so happy to hear from her mother.

"Good afternoon Mother how are you doing today she asks her mother.

" Hi Princess I'm fine I just wanted to talk to you because I miss you so much" her mother replied.

"Aww I miss you, my beautiful mommy, Marissa says.

" so Marissa how's work so far Mrs Lopez asked her daughter.

" well so far everything is going great I had four clients today she replied in a happy voice with a huge smile on her face.

" Marissa that's great I'm so proud of you well-done go with your bad self I knew you can do it! her mother announced.

" Thanks, mom I learned from the best and that's you I admire your strength and boldness mom you are the best in this world. Marissa replied.

" Thank you, my dear anyway I was wondering if you can visit this weekend, you know is your sister's birthday party this Saturday she told her with excitement in her voice.

"Yep I know I can't wait for this weekend I can't believe Ruby is turning 22 she's growing so fast.

Mom answered back " yes she is so you will be there.

Maria replied " yes of course I will be there I promise.

" Alright I will let you go ' I will see you this weekend Mom said.

Maria answered back " okay mom thanks for calling" I love you Mom!

Mom replied " I love you too sweetie! Take care of yourself and don't work to hard.

Maria answered" I won't I promise and she hungup to continue working on her flies to give to her boss on Time.

After completed her work she went to the copy room to make copies of the documents so can check them though once more to see if everything is correct.

After making the copies she went straight to her boss office and gave him the documents and said " good afternoon boss here are the copies of the documents who asked for.

Mr. Jones replied" thank you Maria for giving me the documents I truly appreciate it for bringing them on time for your hard work you deserve a bonus well done" he said with a smile on his face.

" Oh my gosh! Thank you so much sir I promise I won't let you down.

Thank you once again" for the raise of my Salary I truly appreciate it.

" Your welcome Maria you deserve this bonus maybe next time it will be a promotion to upgrade your career, I'm so proud of you.

Maria got up shook her boss hand and thank him once again and left his office with a huge smile on her face.

She can't wait to see her boyfriend and tell him the good news about her raise in her salary.

So got into the elevator and went to her floor to her office and close up for the day.

She left to go home to see Nicko and tell him this wonderful news.

Finally she got home went upstairs to take a shower and change into something simple like a Blue top with demin jeans and sneakers.

Maria took a small purse and her cellphone went back downstairs to have something to eat put her dishes in the dishwasher took her car keys that were on the table lock the door went to her car and headed straight to Nicko's house to spend some time with him and tell him her good news.

She finally arrived at Nicko's house and knock the door when Nicko was reading a book he heard a knock on his door and got off from the sofa and asked " who is it? and she answered it's me Maria I have some good news to share with you.

Then Nicko right way opened the door and saw how beautiful she looked in her t-shirt and Jeans and gave her a big hug.

Hello Nicko how are you? She asked him and he said I'm fine it's so lovely to see you again Maria" I missed you.

Maria answered " I miss you too my friend.

So Nicko brought her inside and sat her down on the couch.

" This is a surprise visit what is this news you want to tell me so urgently?

" Well nothing that much I just wanted to tell you that I got bonus from my boss this afternoon because of my hard work working at his agency! She smiled

Congratulations, I'm so proud of you I know you can do it , let's celebrate your raise of your salary with non-alcoholic wine I will be right back he walked to kitchen to get some glasses and a bottle of non-alcoholic wine to the living room.

When Maria saw him she took the wine glasses from his hand and Nicko opened the wine to make sure it pop when it pop he started pouring the wine in there glasses and said let's make a toast to your bonus and a job well done may the good Lord bless you with more success in your career plus a promotion in Jesus name and together they said Amen!

They click their glasses together and drank the wine to celebrate her bonus.

After enjoying the wine Nicko went to stero to put some music on so they can dance.

Nicko took Maria's glass put on the table and asked " can I have this dance?

Maria cursy and replied " off course I love to.

So he took her hand brought her to center of the room and started dancing the night way in each other's arms and looking into each other's eyes and continued dancing with each other without letting go because tonight was only the two of them together.

Word count: 986.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2023 ⏰

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