Honesty / The End.

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Hi guys, you may have noticed that I've been gone for a little while. I thought I would post one last time and be honest with you guys; I do not plan on finishing this story as I haven't been enthused with the plot that I made and feel like it could've been much better. Some of you are probably wondering how the story was supposed to go, so I thought I'd give you a little closure.

Here is the plot summary:

- Harry gets back to Elise, and she tells him everything about Louis, but he doesn't believe her, and they have a huge argument. She leaves the hotel and then gets kidnapped. Elise's appearance completely changes and when her and Harry come face to face again after a short while, he doesn't recognise her at first. When he does recognise her, he frees her. At this point he is aware that she was telling the truth about Louis and has already killed him.

- The next few weeks are peaceful with no major events happening but then Elise starts to notice some weird behaviours that Harry exhibits like waking up at odd times and doing things on his laptop, and always carrying a suitcase around that nobody is allowed to touch.

- Elise then finds out that Harry is an FBI agent who is on a mission to find the perpetrators of some crimes. These crimes were all being committed by him, and he was using Elise to get evidence against her so he could pin the blame on her (like her fingerprints on the items they stole from the gas station heist etc).

- After finding all of this out, she discovers that all the evidence against her and the rest of the boys is being stored in the American Art Gothic behind canvasses and in the "staff room". She then goes to the American Art Gothic and sees Harry there. They have a huge argument and Harry explains that he stopped collecting evidence on her a while ago because he fell in love with her. Elise then says that the evidence needs to be destroyed so she sets the whole place on fire. The story ends with them both getting arrested for destroying evidence. 

Thank you guys for reading and commenting, I'm so sorry if this was disappointing. But you never know... my second book could be coming soon (this time with a better plot).











and everyone else! love you :) 

- ophelia 


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