Start from the beginning

Phoebe: Oh, I'm sorry.

Charlene: I won't tell if you won't.

(She shows Phoebe a packet of chips.)

Phoebe: Hey, hi, I'm Phoebe.

Charlene: I'm Charlene. Actually we've met. We even carpooled. Metaphysics 301, remember?

Phoebe: Oh, that's right and your dad is the professor of that class, right?

Charlene: Yeah, dirty rat, he gave me a C. We don't get along in anything. Even metaphysics. But I'm, hoping that'll change when I finish my thesis, get published, he'll finally have to take me seriously. I'll quit before I start telling you about my mother.

Phoebe: No, it's okay. I've been studying here for so long it's nice to have someone to talk to. So what's your thesis about?

Charlene: It's about the existence of demons in our world.

Phoebe: Demons?

Charlene: Yeah, I've been researching for five years to prove that they're not just myths like my dad thinks, that they actually really do exist. I've got proof right here.

Phoebe: It's very interesting.

Charlene: But you believe in them too don't you? I mean, you seem to in class. Certainly know a lot about them.

Phoebe: Uh, it's really late, um, and I really gotta go. Okay. (She packs up her books.) It was really nice talking to you, Charlene. Take care okay.

Charlene: Okay, see you around.

Phoebe: Bye.

Charlene: Bye, bye. (Phoebe leaves. Charlene stands up and walks over to the book shelves. She walks down the aisle and picks the 'Encyclopedia of Demons' off the shelf. A face of a demon is there.) Sorry, you scared me.

(She starts to walk away.)

Demon: Wait.

(He grabs her and she gets sucked in the bookshelf.)

[Scene: Manor. Prue walks in the bathroom. Someone's in the shower. She walks over to the sink and wipes the fog off the mirror.]

Prue: Hey, Piper, will you do me a favour and feed the cat? I want to get down to the haight. (She gets her toothbrush and toothpaste.) You know, I wanna see if that guy is still on that bus bench. You know, I just couldn't stop thinking about him all night. I mean, there's no guarantee that he'll actually be there but if he is I wanna get a better shot. (She starts brushing her teeth and then Piper walks in.)

Piper: Prue, wh-what are you doing in here?

Leo: Piper, can you hand me a towel? (Leo pulls across the shower curtain and sees Prue.) Prue!

(Prue's eyes widen.)

Prue: Leo. (Piper throws him a towel.) Nice orbs.

Piper: Bye. (Prue continues to look at Leo.) Bye.

(Prue walks backwards into the door.)

Prue: Ow.

Piper: Let me help you, let me help you. (Piper opens the door and Prue walks outside.) Alright, go on, sicko.

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