"You will pay for it Nina baby" Cabir Anna chided and ended the call.

We laughed out loudly staring back at the scared Nina who was now looking so fiercely at Urvi.

"Why did you do it bitch!!" Nina yelled storming towards Urvi and Pari.

Like that, their bickering has started making us chuckle at them.

It's been one month, since I came back to hostel and got busy in my college life and doing funny things by bunking college and going to hostel while classes are going on, which I have never done in my life and enjoying with my friends in our room by dancing, singing and doing mischievous things along with my friends.

However, my wolfy never forget to call me in this whole month. Yet, all we both talk about my studies and whether I am having my food on time or not and sleeping in time or not.

That's what he asks, and most importantly how much Syllabus I have completed studying as exams was nearing.

My phone rang breaking my chain of thoughts, I glanced at the caller Id and smiled..

It's my Wlofy!!

"Hello" I mumbled shyly.

Daksh(coldly): What are you doing?

"Nothing, you tell me" I replied nervously while clicking on the pause option on my laptop where the movie was playing..

Daksh(Sternly): So, Now you started li
lying to me...huhh!!

"I-I no lying" I stuttered as I couldn't form a proper english sentence when he uses that tone on me.

Daksh(sarcastically): Oh! Really!! But I can see that, A frozen movie was playing on your laptop.

"What!!!" I exclaimed in horror.

I mean how did he know that I am watching a movie!!

He would only know if he is here or else someone in my room might have informed him, but none speaks with him freely except Pari.


I was about to glare at her, however, stopped when I heard his voice..

Daksh(irked): No!! Pari didn't tell me.

Then, How did he know what I'm thinking.

Huff!! I think he knows me more than myself.

Nonetheless, my point is, How did he know that I was watching a movie that too he said the movie name correctly like he saw me watching. That means..

Oh my!! That means he hacked my laptop!!!

I gasped at that thought with wide eyes..

"Y-You hacked my laptop!!!" I exclaimed in terror.

Daksh(sardonically): Took you 10 min time to guess..huh

But How!!

Arghh!! Hasna, how can you forget that your husband is a computer science prodigy.

"Rascal!! How can you hack my laptop!! You are literally invading my privacy" I said angrily, nevertheless, it came out as a soft tone.

I cursed my softness in my voice. I don't know why whenever I tried to show my anger in front of him, it will come out softly.

Daksh(Arrogantly): You are my wife, Pondati. I have every right on you to invade your privacy and can do what ever I want.

"That indicates how much you trust me" I said sarcastically, but deep down I have an urge to beat him for pulling that stunt.

Married To My GigglemugWhere stories live. Discover now