Chapter 7: Elizabeth knows

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"Tell me, Mr Darcy, would anything in the world have prompted you to take along with the money-monger mother and silly sisters, a woman, ruined by your old childhood friend, as your wife?"

Time stopped as silence prevailed. Her eyes were watery but she did not look ashamed a bit. Darcy could not comprehend the words. Dare not comprehend the words, more like. He did not want to assume. He had done enough of that.

"What do you mean, ruined?" He asked and waited with bated breath.

"You tell me, Mr Darcy. What do you think ruined means?"

"For the love of God, Addie, please," he pleaded desperately.

There was a pregnant pause.


"Compromised, how?"

She looked away and was silent for a moment. He swallowed thickly. He suddenly dreaded her answer.

"I am not chaste," she whispered meekly.

He was silent. It did not feel right. Adele needed him to say something. The silence was too thick for her health. 

At the moment, all she wanted was to know what was going on in his mind. Was he justifying her to himself or judging her? However, she could not look at him, not wanting to see him judging her. 

"Mr D-"

She was startled by the sudden bow he took. "Miss Bennet."

He hastily turned from her and walked away. 

At that moment, she was sure that her heart broke.

Elizabeth removed her hand from her mouth as soon as the main door of the cottage squeaked shut. She knew she shouldn't have heard their conversation but she couldn't help it. She hastily hid herself as soon as she heard Adele's sniffles coming near. She had a suspicion that her sister might seek refuge in her chambers from a broken heart. 

Her heart twisted in pain. She truly sympathized with Adele. However, out of this, she came to some very revealing conclusions. 

Mr Darcy and Adele loved each other.

Mr Darcy had played a key role in separating Mr Bingley and Jane.

Mr Wickham was more than what met the eyes.

As soon as she heard Adele's door shut, she swiftly and silently entered the parlour where the incident took place. She closed the door behind her and directly targeted the writing desk. 

Her eyes quickly scanned the items kept there. Letters from Jane, a barely written parchment (Mr Darcy must have interrupted Adele) and a sealed letter.

She snatched the sealed letter. It was to Mr Darcy. She glanced again at the closed door and broke the seal from the letter.

It felt forbidden. The letter was not meant for her, but she felt like she should read it. 

It took Elizabeth, half an hour to comprehend the letter. Her heart twisted wretchedly in her chest and she mourned. She not only understood why Adele was the way she was and Wickham was not as much of a victim he projected himself as but also why  Mr Darcy did not like Wickham. She felt bad for judging the gentleman when she never knew what had truly transpired between them.

She had to give this letter to Mr Darcy, she knew. And she had to do it soon. 

So she took off. 

She hurriedly entered her chambers, took her Spencer and her reticule and ran out of the cottage. She had hardly taken a few steps when the neigh and steps of a horse stopped her. 

Hoping it to be Mr Darcy, she turned to the sound, however, Colonel Fitzwilliam's countenance relieved her almost equally.

"Colonel Fitzwilliam," she cried as soon as he descended from the horse. "You have to help me."

"What is it, Miss Elizabeth? I hope your health is fine."

"I am good," she hurried answered and forwarded him the letter, "But this needs to be given to Mr Darcy, urgently. I was just going to Rosings myself."

"On foot!"

"It was too urgent to wait for horses. Could you please give it to Mr Darcy, right away? I will be happy to answer any questions on the morrow. And tell him, that this was written before the incident."

Richard quickly nodded, still confused about the urgency of the action, but complied. Ascending back on the horse, he took off with the letter in his hand but not better nodding to her, "Miss Elizabeth."

Her shoulders sagged with relief as she took a deep breath. The letter was in good hands.

Darcy was not looking forward to spending the evening with his aunt pushing him with hints of marrying Anne. His mind was reeling with the information he was granted at Hundsford. 

Truly, the only reason he walked away from there was that he did not understand what to do or say. But he was regretful as soon as he reached his chambers. Adele had told him an apparent closely guarded secret and had unguarded herself to him, while he walked away like an idiot making her think that he had judged her harshly.

His valet did the final knot of his cravat and adjusted his ensemble a bit. He truly did not know how he would sit the evening with the worst company possible. Anne being there would have been a little better but she was indisposed and all he had left now was quips from Richards and smiles from Mrs Collins, which he may be too troubled to notice.

He exited his chambers and walked down the hall. A sharp turn and he almost ran into his cousin who looked too hurried and troubled. Darcy frowned looking at Richard.

"Darcy," he heaved out and took out a letter from his breast pocket. "Miss Elizabeth looked too troubled this eve and told me to pass this letter as hurriedly as I possibly could. She also told me to tell you that 'it was written before the incident'. Whatever that means."

His breath got caught in his throat as he realized that somehow Miss Elizabeth got the knowledge of what transpired. 

Darcy hurried snatched the letter from him and turned. He noticed the broken seal and Adele's handwriting almost immediately. Next, he noticed that the letter was addressed to him.

Passing a note of gratitude to his cousin over his shoulders, he hurried returned to his chamber and asked his valet to pass his message of apology for not being able to join that evening's entertainments to his aunt.

He needed to know what Adele had wanted to tell him.

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