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Fort Escapist, off the coast Kakete Island

Molly breathes heavily. The shoddy, hastily-made tent surrounding her sways in the wind, and the others outside discuss her condition. Karen smooths the hair away from her face. "This really just furthers why we need to get off this island."

"Yeah, I agree," Kimberly says. "We can't stay here any longer, especially not with her worsening condition."

"I just can't believe Grace and Evan are both dead," Amelia adds, remorseful.

"I feel sick," Savannah mutters. She draws closer to Samuel. 

"We can't let ourselves get drawn away from what really matters here," Karen interjects. "Survival." She is wearing black leggings, a simple white top, and the Japanese naval pilot's jacket. It is brown, has some insignia's on it, and has a slightly worn fleece inside. Her shoes are a pair of sneakers, dirtied by the sand. 

There is a murmur of approval from the crowd, and Molly stirs. They turn around just in time to watch her sprint from the tent, and down to the ocean, where she vomits straight into the ocean. The group respond promptly with a collective "Ewwww", which causes the now shaking, embarassed Molly, to proceed into the water, escaping toward the main island. 

"Where the hell is she going?" Karen exclaims. Their camp is situated on a small, windswept, sandy island a small ways off the coast of the island they crashed onto. Molly's break for the mainland triggers a chorus of questions from the group, but she does not stop. "A- After her!" Karen yells, slightly confused as to where Molly is going. 

Karen gives chase into the water, taking care to avoid the floating chunks of upheaved stomach contents just dropped by the seriously ill Molly.  Molly's arm bleeds ferociously, the bite mark from the monkey still having not clotted. Her face is pale, and her eyes are bloodshot. Even a few hours after her monkey encounter, she's already looking grave. 

The water is waist-high, and as Karen follows swiftly after Molly, Samuel and Skylar follow suit. Molly reaches the mainland, and sprints forward up the beach. Karen follows close behind, and her fellow chasers are not far behind. Molly darts into the trees, and before long, Karen, Samuel, and Skylar have lost her. 

Angela picks up a big rock, raising it above her head. She drops it, letting it land on a piece of metal in front of her. "That's not quite the technique I think I'd use, Ange, but I suppose whatever gets the job done."

Angela takes the metal piece and strikes it along the rock a few times, in an attempt to sharpen it. "Exactly," she replies.

"I'll let you try that, I'm going to go coconut searching over there," Kody responds. He is wearing a conquistador's kneepads, as well as a conquistador's chest piece. He also wears the coat of the captain of the conquistadors. In total, his outfit now consists of a pair of blue denim shorts, a black hoodie, some runners, the armour, and over it all he wears the long, blue captain's coat. The hood of his jacket sits on top of the chest piece and coat. He has also fashioned a sheathe for his makeshift katana, which he wears over the top of his outfit. 

Kody makes his way over to the treeline, where he sifts through the coconuts to find ones which are acceptable. Angela, conversely, stays by the rocks, trying to sharpen her makeshift dagger. She pounds the metal shard a few more times, and looks up, frustrated with the lack of progress. 

In the distance, she spots Molly running towards them, and squints to make sure she's seeing it right. "Oh my gosh, it's Molly," she says to Kody. He exhales noticeably. 

Molly keeps running towards Angela. She looks entirely worn out. her outfit is tattered, her skin is practically colourless. She may as well be a zombie, in appearance and behaviour. "Molly?" Angela says, trying to stop the distraught woman from running.

Molly shoves her backwards, "Get off me!" Angela advances towards her again, her arms outstretched defensively. Molly snaps her head towards Angela's arm, latching onto it. Angela screams, and attempts to withdraw her wrest her limb free, but cannot. Kody stands up, in awe at what he is seeing.

Angela finally thrusts Molly off of her, the two landing on the sand next to one another. Angela reaches out, and grabs the massive rock she was using to sharpen her knife with. Molly retreats slightly, but is unable to get away as Angela crushes her head with the rock. "You cunt!" Angela shouts. Kody advances towards her.

"Cunt! Cunt! Cunt! Cunt!" with every utterance of the word cunt, Angela slams the rock against Molly's now deflated cranium. Kody grabs her and pulls her off the definitively dead girl. Angela pants, and drops the bloody stone into the sand. 

"What the fuck? Angela?" Karen shouts behind them. Karen, Samuel, and Skylar sprint up to them, looking over the corpse of Molly.

"She tried to kill me!" Angela snaps. "Fucking bitch bit me on the arm." Kody looks down at the massive bleeding wound on Angela's forearm, and then back down at the pulp that once was Molly's face. He grits his teeth. "What the hell was wrong with her?" Angela exclaims.

"She got bitten by a monkey, like an hour ago, and became very sick," Skylar says.

"She went crazy, vomited everywhere and ran off," Samuel adds.

"We tried to track her down, but," Karen finishes. "This happened. What do you mean she attacked you? just out of the blue?"

"Yes! I tried to stop her and she just bit me. Bitch. I don't care, she deserved it."

"Oh my god," Karen widens her eyes at the body in front of her. "We're going to need to tell everyone back at the fort about this. Did anyone tell you, by the way?"

"No? Tell us what?" Kody answers.

"Grace and Evan are dead."

"What?" Angela responds.

"Julian is missing, as well. Presumed dead."

"Presumed by who?" Karen asks.

"Me. He's definitely dead," Kody answers.

"Oh my god," Karen drags her hands across her face. "We're going to need to go back. We might be back for her body, later, I suppose."

"Good luck, we'll head back to the Village now, I suppose." Kody and Karen part ways, and their respective group-members follow them. As they walk, Kody begins to interrogate Angela. "Did you see her mouth?"

"No? I was just hitting everywhere I could."

"There was foam, lots of it," Kody continues. "Hidden beyond her gums, but when you split her mouth open, it pooled into her blood. I saw it."

"What are you trying to say? She had rabies?" Angela asks. "She was only bitten like an hour ago Skylar said. Rabies does not work that fast."

"This is a very isolated island, its' not unreasonable to suggest that there exists a unique rabies strain here that is exceptionally fast acting, and causes extreme violence."

"W- what? She bit me! That bitch! I'm going to get fucking rabies now because of her."

"Look we can cross that bridge when we come to it," Kody sighs. "For now, let's just head back to the village and discuss it with everyone when we get there. But... don't walk too close to me." He places one hand on the hilt of his katana, warning her. She backs off, concerned for her own safety following her infection. 

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