14 - Not Alone Pt. 2

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TW: Violence, blood

Ruv's Point Of View

Angel shoved me to the ground with one of her boots.

"So glad you showed up today. I was this close to coming to you instead."

She swiftly took out a dagger and placed it near my neck.

"Too bad. I got here first." I glared at the enemy. She laughs, then pokes the dagger into my skin. I kept my face stoic. I won't look weak.

"All the more fun." The gang leader let go and walked over to a shelf.

"Let's see what we can use to pay for all the things you did." Angel came back wielding a sickle.

"Remember this? It's your signature weapon, Ruvy."

She uses it to take off my hat, revealing my pale blue hair.

A sinsiter smile appears on her face as she draws the sickle around my head.

"Oh, your hair is gorgeous. So soft and silky." Angel grabs a handful and tugs hard. I tense up immediately.

"Don't worry, I won't be cutting that precious hair of yours. But maybe somewhere else might do the job..."

My hands were clammy and I felt sweat glisten my forehead. She places the sharp blade on my left forearm and pierces it. I writhe in pain.

"Did you really think it would just be the end now? You'll have plenty of time to scream and cry for help. The walls are soundproof." Angel laughs.

"Shut it." I responded cold-heartedly.

"Tch." Angel quickly aims for my neck again and applies more pressure against it. I cough and sputter, my blood latching onto her hair. I then kicked her in the stomach with my bound legs, and I managed to push her off.

"Bold of you to think you had the advantage." I broke the rope binding my lower body free.

"Same goes for you. I have men. Where are your friends, huh?" Angel spat.

"Most likely torturing your guards." I smirked.

. . .

Third Point Of View

The old fence rattled dangerously as the trio sang. Least to say, it was chaos.

"You're never getting past us!" Sarv yelled.

"We got this in the bag!" Carol cheered.

Hex finished his guard off first with a note so high that even Boyfriend would be jealous.

"Woo-hoo! Singing is the best!" Hex said from the sidelines as his friends knocked out the two men remaining.

"Easy." Carol brushed away the dust from her hands. Sarv then suddenly picked her up and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

"You sounded amazing!" Sarv exclaimed. "I'm so lucky to be dating such a beautiful girl."

Hex began giggling, while Carol rolled her eyes.

"Our job here is done, guys. We should stay low and wait in case there are any more guards." Carol said.

Hex "beeped" in alarm as Carol's guess was right.

"Our fight isn't over." Sarv said as she turned to see a squadron of gang members rushing at them from the inside of the building. The doors slid open, but Hex prevented his friends from entering.

"It could be a trap, we should stay outside and fight." Hex said cautiously.

"Of course, of course." Sarv dismissed him as a pink aura glowed around her.

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