7 - Agoti and Tabi

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Whitty listened thoughtfully and nodded, responding with his own childhood trauma.

"I see. You were orphaned and were forced to steal and live out a life as a criminal?"

"Yes...I never chose to go down a path like this, but-"

"It's okay, I'm an ex-rockstar who ended up living in the alley, scaring and hurting people without trying. Believe me, I hear you."

Ruv didn't expect their conversation to become so personal, and tears would've been seen cascading down his face. That is, if he could cry.

The bomb avoided the thought of tearing up, as he knew it may just cause his whole neighborhood to be wiped out. He still held on the Russian tightly.

Sarv felt discomfort and decided to leave the two alone and head off towards a familiar building...

Agoti's Point of View

Lets gooooo! I'm finally back, and not as a side character-

I hear the café chime twinkle, and I begrudgingly sit up from my chair. Man, a break could always be used for my tired ass. Not saying I'm lazy, though.

"Hello, welcome to Friday Night Café. How may I help you?" I say dully, plastering on a fake smile that reveals all of my fine, sharp teeth.

"Agoti, are you even looking at me?" A man with a goat skull for a head sighed and walked over.

"Oh, Tabi. Didn't think you'd come here today. Finally, I won't have to be bored anymore." I left the cashier aisle to give my boyfriend a bear hug.

Tabi groaned in annoyance, but he let me do my bone-breaking gesture.

"I love you~" I laughed.

"Shut up, you're so cringey."

A second ring near the door disrupted us. A nun appeared, sweating and occupied with stress.

"What is this place?" She breathed.

"Oh, are you a new customer? This is Friday Night Café, the most popular place in town to chill and eat." I replied.

"Chill...relaxation...that's just what I need." She trampled towards the nearest table and sat down by the window, squeezing her eyes shut and muttering prayers.

"She's definitely not okay." Tabi whispered.

"Yeah. She somehow reminds me of the tall dude I saw with bomb head." I said back.

"Oh, Russian man with ushanka."

"How do you remember that, but don't remember what I said about our next date?"


Tabi shrugged it off, and now it was my turn to be pissed. I stole that chance and gave him a nice kiss on the nose.

"Hey- not in public!" He turned away quickly, and I couldn't help but make fun of him.

"Haha, what's the deal with you being so secretive and shy? We've been together for what? 3 months?"


"Never mind that. Sorry." I changed the subject because I noticed something gray and black through the window.

"Look outside, Tab."

. . .

Whitty's Point of View

In the end, I didn't realize how easy it'd be to convince him to stay, even with Carol being a bummer and all. Ruv sits next to me asleep, his head leaning against my hood. I don't get up and take in the moment.

I hear a holler from across the street and perk up. Agoti and Tabi?

"WHITMOREEEEE!" Agoti dashed over. He should be happy that the road wasn't busy.

"SHHHH!" I tried to calm the criminal next to me, who began to shake a little, by patting his arm. Apparently, it did the trick.

"Hi, Whitty." Tabi put his hand on his crazy boyfriend's shoulder and held him still. "So, is that Russian your crush Agoti keeps blabbering about?"

I mentally curse myself and hold back my anger towards my amazing friend.

"Well, I mean- okay, fine. Yes." I unfortunately have to leave Ruv's side to politely slap Agoti.

"Ouch! Bro, you know I tell everything to Tab." Agoti held his hand to his cheek and glared at me.

"You deserved it anyway." Tabi sided with me. I made a smug smile.

"Okay, jeez! Whitty, what're you doing? Going out with, uh, what's your guy's name?" Agoti magically manages to steer us back on topic.

"First of all, we're not dating. Secondly, his name's Ruv." I say.

"Thirdly, why was he sleeping on your shoulder?" Agoti pointed out. He has to make this more frustrating.

"You really want me to tell you?" I responded. I didn't want to pry into someone else's thoughts just to spread them around, but I very much needed someone to vent it to.

"Yup." Agoti followed as I walked back to Ruv, who was still sleeping soundly.

After catching them up...

"There. Said and done." I rolled my eyes.

"Wow..." Tabi says.

"What an imposter." Agoti crossed his arms.

"Shut up." Tabi strangles him slightly with his arm.

"Okay, I've got some advice for you, comrade." Tabi says to me.

"Me and Ruv were both bad people. Bad people can change. Therefore, maybe allow him to stay until you really know him. Plus, don't you basically like him? Either way, no worries. I watch other comrades."

"Aw, thanks-"

"Don't get me wrong though, he could be a Russian spy."

The Other Side (Whitty x Ruv)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें