13 - Not Alone

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The sun peered through the horizon, it's blinding light streaking through the windowsill. Ruv was the first in the apartment to rise. Blocking the light with his arm, he wriggled free from Whitty's grasp and got ready.

I'll be here in half an hour. He texts on his phone to a certain person.

After brushing his teeth, showering, and making coffee, Ruv proceeded to wake up his friends. He used his voice to wake up Whitty and Hex and rapped on Sarv and Carol's room.

I guess they sleep together now, huh, Ruv thought.

Everyone stirred and noticed the dishes that were prepared on the kitchen island. "Ooh! Ruv's got energy today!" Sarv squealed, genuinely enjoying Ruv's cooking.

"You're welcome, guys. You'll need it." Ruv simply responded.

"Time to dig in!" Whitty said, eager to try Ruv's food.

Whitty considered himself to be a salty-over-sweet kind of guy, so he enjoyed the side of bacon of eggs. Although this was already considerably good, it was the french toast topped with powdered sugar that instantly blew him away. The sugar, along with the freshly made toast, melted in his mouth. He quickly ate the rest, asking for seconds.

"I didn't know you could cook so well! Is this an original recipe?" He was dying to know Ruv's secret to making food. Whitty never attempted cooking because it usually ends up with the kitchen being a mess or him exploding.

"I suppose you could say that. I learned many things out there." His boyfriend said.

"No matter what you've done in the past, I'm very proud of you. I wish I could make breakfast like you." He leaned over and pecked Ruv on the cheek.

"Yeah, yeah." The Russian gave Whitty a slight smile.

"Okay, we don't have much time. You all have to be ready to go in 15 minutes. The plan will need preparation and time in order for it to initiate." He added afterwards.

They all nodded and hurried their morning routines. Hex was chilling on the couch, energy practically radiating off his metal body.

"I'm so hyped for Attack on Angel!" Hex exclaimed, twirling a basketball.

"Attack on Angel? How do you even know her name?" Ruv gave Hex a quizzical look.

"Uh, I'm a robot?" Hex smiled innocently.

Ruv dropped his question and sat next to Hex to wait for the rest of the party.

15 minutes later, everyone was in the SUV Carol owned, prepared to face Ruv's enemies.

"One quick stop before we prepare. I'll explain what we'll do in full detail during the car ride." Ruv said, giving Carol the address to Boyfriend and Girlfriend's house.

"No need, I'm friends with Girlfriend!" Carol said.

"Oh. Alright, then." Ruv moved away and fastened his seatbelt. The others did the same. The gang could end up being ambushed or injured in some way.

"Let's turn up some music, yeah?" Carol pressed play on the screen and some famous songs can be heard.

"Woah, is that A.G.O.T.I?" Whitty exclaimed.

"Huh, it did sound familiar!" Hex chimed in.

"Agoti?" Ruv asked.

"Yup, that's him and Boyfriend."

"Didn't know he was this popular."

. . .

When a few minutes of comfortable silence from the party passed, Ruv was ready to tell his comrades the plan.

The Other Side (Whitty x Ruv)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant