2- Hex and Carol

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Within 15 minutes of walking, the trio stopped in front of an apartment in a more secluded neighborhood. Ruv noticed Whitty waving at a figure in the distance. A robot, perhaps?

"Here we are! It's not much, but my friends and I call it home." Whitty said. 

"Hm? Who's that?" Sarv pointed at the figure. It began dashing at them at full speed. She was caught off guard, but the bomb next to Ruv didn't have a reaction at all.

"Yo, Whitmore! You're back!" Hex ran up with a smile on his face. "Hex, you gotta stop calling me that in front of people I've just met." Whitty replied, rolling his eyes playfully.

He gestured the other two to come along as Hex, the supposed name of the robot, chatted with him, grinning from ear to ear. "Who're they?" Hex asked.

"I recently met them. They don't have a home, so they, from now on, will be our roommates." Whitty stated.

"Come on, introduce us!" Sarv told Ruv. Why do I have to? He thought as he sighed and tapped Hex on the shoulder. "I'm Ruvyzvat. The other one is Sarvente." 

"Cool, nice to meet ya! I'm Hex!"

Does his smile ever ware off?

The Russian thought with a hint of irritation.

He ignored the dirty look he saw out of the corner of his eye from the ex-nun.

"Is Carol home?" Whitty asked. "Yep, she's just chilling on the couch, watching "classic Christmas movies", as she says." Hex replied. "Oh great, we'll be living with three strangers now." Ruv grumbled. He was grateful when Sarv didn't say anything. She probably didn't hear.

Once they've reached the front door after climbing a stairway, Hex took out the apartment key before Whitty even had the chance to.

"I now present to you...our awesome home!" Hex slowly opened the door to make it seem more grand.

From what Sarv and Ruv could see, the house was partially neat, but overall on the messier side. Leftovers piled the kitchen counter and there were crumbs scattered around the floor. The couch's pillows were disorganized and the air smelled like an assortment of chips. 

"Sorry, we didn't think there would be any guests coming. Usually we clean at least once a week!" Whitty rubbed the back of his head.

"Looks fine to me, I guess." Ruv quietly said. Ugh, this place is definitely in need of some cleaning. I'll do it if no one else does. At least the shelves are organized. It would really piss me off if there was nothing neat about this place.

"Hello guys...and girl? Who are y'all back there?" Carol perked up and turned off the tv. "Hi Carol, these two, Sarv and Ruv, will be our new roommates." Whitty pointed at each one with a sheepish grin.

Ruv's Point of View

Now that I think about it properly, I can see that these strangers are more trustworthy than I thought.

First off, Whitty. Wears a big turquoise hoodie, is part bomb (maybe he's been experimented on- could never be too sure, as I already am friends with the devil), and...is taller than me? I mean, I'm 8'7"...and he's what? 9 feet?! Not to mention, he's astonishingly comforting and cool. If I'm being honest, he'd make a great friend- wait, we're still strangers. Don't get too ahead of yourself, Ruv.

Then there's Hex. He's human-like personality wise (probably a better human than I am). A robot, taller than Sarv but definitely shorter than me (8'0"). Very optimistic, and runs on solar power and possibly another energy source.

Lastly, Carol. Around 5 feet, is chill and extroverted. I've heard that blue-haired kid's girlfriend muttering about her while we were rap battling...

For your better understanding, I am well-skilled in the arts of reading others. That's my strength. Usually. Even through my booming voice, I somehow heard the word "Carol" through the short-ass five year old's singing near the speakers.

My thoughts were interrupted when a southern-accent was heard.

"I don't mind new-comers, but don't you think this is a bit...much for us?" Carol said. "Where will they even sleep?"

"Lets just plan that out later. I'm starving. Got any leftover pizza?" Whitty walked into the kitchen. "Have you seen your table, genius?" Carol put her hands on her hips. A stack of used plastic cups, a box of pizza, and three empty soda bottles were on it. Unmistakably, the place clearly wasn't made for two more people.

"Ah, right." Whitty grabbed a liquid from the fridge and sat down to open the pizza box. The title "Kapi's Pizza and Donuts" was on the top. "Ooh, we order from that place a lot too!" Sarv squealed slightly. 

"Are you drinking refrigerated black coffee?" I blurted out. "What? Nah, I'd never. This is gas-lighter fluid." Whitty smirked, satisfied with his response. He grabbed a pepperoni pizza slice and chomped it all down in 10 seconds.

"Do you and Sarv want some?" Whitty raised his invisible eyebrow. 

Sarv's stomach growled loudly, and she nodded quickly. "YES PLEASE! THANK YOU VERY MUCH!" Sarv ran over and snatched up a slice. I hesitantly reached my hand out to take the last one.

"Dude, you don't need to eat if you don't have to." The bomb noticed my actions. I did not take him as a guy who would tell what someone was thinking straight away. Or maybe I was just that desperate to not eat a mound of cheese, bread, and tomato sauce, especially when Sarv didn't give me the "ok" signal.

Just then, my friend gave me a thumbs up. "No, I will eat. Thanks." I plainly stated.

. . .

Whitty and I sat down on the floor while the rest were on the couch. A cartoon named "Spooky Month" was playing on the TV. "So..." Carol clapped her hands together. "We gonna discuss who's sleeping where now?" 

Sarv's face lightened. "My bestie and I are really staying here then?!" She hugged the shorter girl sitting beside her tightly. "Haha, yes you are ma'am." Carol laughed and patted the other's arm. 

When they finally let go of each other, the room stilled. 

Sarv better not be doing any funny business here. I'm pretty sure she's bisexual, and I'm not going to let her ask out some person we don't fully know.

"Sarv can stay in your room! You have a spare bed, right?" Hex broke the silence. "That's true, Hex! Would you like to-" "Nope. Hate to break it to you, Carol, but she's staying on the couch." I cut her off. 

"Come on Ruv, seriously? You need to stop being so overprotective! We're both girls, you know!" Sarv snapped at me. 

"Are you sure you want me to expose you in front of a couple of people we've just met, comrade?"

"Whatever, you're no fun...but where will you sleep if I had to go on the couch?"

"I mean, Hex and I share a room, and I sleep in a queen-sized bed...I don't mind if you need to stay over here to give Carol some privacy." Whitty piped up.

I suddenly became flustered. W-what?

"Erm..." I couldn't respond. My cheeks flushed. 

Sarv saw and giggled teasingly. I think I heard an envious tone too.

"Aw, don't be shy!" Carol encouraged me. Maybe from her perspective it worked, but too bad. It didn't help at all. I had no clue as to why I was acting like this.

I didn't realize you were this annoying, Whitty...

Welcome to the end of chapter 2! Just to clear things up:

- I will say if any of the art belongs to me

- Whitty and Hex are 22. Carol is 21, and Ruv and Sarv are 23.

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