"I knew you'd come for us." He said shakily trying to imbue the statement with some enthusiasm.

Lucius tilted his head intensifying his stare. "You ran away from me." He said as he advanced on the bed, as he reached Draco's side he turned back to the doorway and snarled to a minion "Bring me his Healer I wish to speak to her."

Lucius turned back towards Draco where he lay helpless in the bed. He leaned forward and trailed a hand across Draco's forehead brushing hair away from his eyes then he leant down and pressed a kiss to that forehead.

Draco held his breath.

"You've been a very naughty little Death Eater." Lucius said from only inches away from Draco.

"I'm sorry Father." Draco breathed utterly terrified and at a loss as to how to rescue this situation.

"Yes. Well." Lucius replied "We'll have to see what you can do to make it up to me."

Draco looked into the cold dark eyes of the man who used to be his father and now was simply his owner. He had never been so terrified in his life and his daughter was in the same room as this monster.

It seemed Lucius realised this at the same time that Draco did as he walked towards the cot next to the bed and picked up the baby. Draco's heart leapt into this throat.

"I'll do anything you want. Anything." Draco pleaded.

"Interesting offer" Lucius smirked "I accept" he said and then he leaned down placing the baby into Draco's arms and pressed an unwelcome kiss to Draco's lips. Draco tried not to flinch away from Lucius's dry and unyielding lips as he was plundered and assaulted by a much deeper kiss than he wanted to allow. Lucius seemed determined to taste every centimetre of Draco's mouth and Draco could do nothing but surrender to it.

"Ah, the Healer is here." Lucius said releasing Draco and standing back up. Draco looked up to see Cassandra being held by two of Lucius's bigger cronies in the doorway to his room.

Draco knew how this would go. The New Lucius would threaten, Cassandra would try to resist but then be forced to give in and then the New Lucius would kill her. He wracked his brains to find something he could do to stop it from happening.


Cassandra screamed as the cruciatus curse wracked through her body again and again. Draco

couldn't stand it. The noise reminded him of other times; times he didn't want to think about at all.

"Stop. Please Stop!" Draco screamed. "She already told me everything. You don't need her to tell you. Please stop"

Lucius turned to Draco but the screams continued.

"I went into labour two days ago. I gave birth to...your...daughter yesterday." It was like the words were being dragged from him. "I have to stay calm and not move around and then there's a good chance I'll heal properly. The baby's fine, she's healthy and strong."

Lucius put his hands over Draco's belly and closed his eyes. Draco felt terror clawing at his back and trying desperately to take over his entire body, but he wouldn't let it. He was raised better than that. He forced his body to relax and calmed his breathing down to normal. Lucius pinned him with a glare.

"You're attached to this little human Draco."

Draco swallowed nervously. "Yes, My Lord."

"I think you would do anything to protect her. Yes?"

"I already... Yes My Lord."

"Good." Lucius laughed maliciously "It is exactly as I planned." Lucius took hold of the baby and removed her from Draco; he passed her to the Death Eater to his left barely even caring if the Death Eater had hold of the baby before he let go. Draco cried out in fear and then quieted himself at Lucius's look. Lucius took hold of the cast iron bed Draco was laid on and took Draco's hand in his. Turning to the two men holding Cassandra he smiled and then said "Very well, bring the Healer and the baby." Then Draco felt as if a hook had been attached behind his spinal column and tugged. He knew Lucius was transporting him somewhere still in the bed. After a few seconds he felt the bed judder down and he knew when he opened his eyes he would be back inside the bedroom he had lived in before his escape. A terrible feeling of resignation poured over him and he closed his eyes hoping to avoid the moment when he would have to accept that this was his life and there was quite probably no escape from it.

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