Chapter 5

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Charlie Stays Over

Chapter Summary

Draco gets a surprise declaration - he really wasn't expecting and it could ruin everything. Also there are Christmas preparations which are pretty fluffy.

Draco was aware he was probably running away from Charlie by going to bed earlier. But he was also sure he didn't want to talk about the kiss or how it made him feel with Ron watching from the sidelines.

As he came out of the bathroom he wasn't too surprised to come face to face with Charlie again.

"Hey." Charlie said.

"Hey." Draco replied.

Charlie moved forward slowly and Draco found himself surrounded by strong arms and being kissed again. He was surprised that the kiss was gentle, almost questioning as if Charlie was waiting for Draco to take control. Draco wrapped his arms around Charlie's neck and pulled him closer, deepening the kiss and mapping out the inside of Charlie's mouth. Charlie tasted wonderful, like apple crumble and coffee. Draco didn't want to end the kiss but oxygen was becoming an issue. So he drew back.

"mmmm minty" Charlie said and smiled pressing his lips gently against Draco's again.

"Did you stay just so you could do that?" Draco asked, Charlie just smiled and raised his eyebrows.

Draco regarded him and wondered what Charlie was expecting him to do. He had a desire to drag Charlie into his bedroom and do unspeakable things to him but for one thing he was seriously pregnant and he didn't know if he had the energy for unspeakable. For another thing Ron would be coming up the stairs at any second and the thought of Ron hearing them doing anything was like a bucket of cold water over Draco's libido.

"Well." Draco said "I'll see you in the morning then."

"Seriously?" Charlie said "You're just going to go to bed?"

"You think I'm going to fall over with my legs spread after two kisses?"

"Not just two kisses, two heart stopping, world altering, foundation shaking kisses." Charlie replied with a charming grin.

"Oh. Ego much Weasley?" Draco managed to stutter out.

Charlie leaned in getting right in Draco's personal space pinning him so that he was staring into sky blue eyes. "Did I exaggerate?" Charlie breathed and Draco could feel the words pass over his lips, he swallowed hard and suddenly found it difficult to breathe normally. He wanted to say yes but he knew Charlie could feel how much he was affected so he answered truthfully "No" as he

pressed forward and kissed Charlie again. He felt dizzy as Charlie kept him pressed back against the hallway wall and when the kiss finally ended he had to try very hard to remember what he'd been trying to say.

"I'm still not going to put out for three kisses even if they were heart stopping, world altering, and foundation shaking." Draco said.

"How many would it take?" Charlie asked

"A lot." Draco replied.

"A lot?" Charlie repeated "Is that more or less than many?"

"More." Draco replied smiling

"And how many is many?" Charlie asked

"I don't know. Twenty?" Draco said and met Charlie's eyes with a twinkle in his.

"So you want me to kiss you more than twenty times before you'll put out?" Charlie said beginning to laugh "Okay I can do that" he leant in and kissed Draco again until Draco felt so lightheaded he had to grab hold of Charlie's arms to stop from falling. "That's four" Charlie said when he leant back smirking at the glazed look in Draco's eyes.

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