Chapter 7

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The Birth

Chapter Summary

This is the only non-fluffy chapter. I'm afraid Lucius makes his reappearance briefly in this chapter and he is not a nice man. Warnings for Non-Con Incest and Non-Graphic Violence.

January passed in a blur like it always did. Draco hardly noticed that Charlie went back to work during the days but spent all his evenings and nights at the Burrow. He was in the blissful state of being in love. He knew Charlie was worried for him but he also knew he'd support his decision about the birth as well. Then it was February and Draco felt like the biggest whale of a man that ever existed. He was embarrassed to be discovered by Ron crying that he couldn't reach his toes to put socks on. Surely this was too big, too uncomfortable. Ron and Charlie started to get upset at the idea of leaving him alone for any time at all. Draco felt bad tempered most of the time. Everything the two men did grated on Draco's nerves. He couldn't sleep, the baby was too uncomfortable, and finally he began to long for the birth just so he could get his body back. It was unbearable, and he gave up on the Muggle methods, he used his wand for everything.

Finally, thank Merlin the birth canal date arrived and they headed to the hospital. Charlie insisted on coming with him of course.

Luna was right, the potion felt cold as he swallowed it and then there was a strange tingling sensation between his legs that built and built to an uncomfortable feeling of stretching. And then after ten minutes it faded to nothing. Draco thought the potion must have done its work. Just as he was wondering what to do next Luna came into the room again.

"Right I'll need to examine you. Can you lie back on the bed and place the soles of your feet flat on the mattress."

Draco complied. Luna grasped Draco's feet and pulled them together and then pushed them towards his bum.

"Right now just let your knees fall open, that's right excellent" Luna said "Right I'll just check everything is as it should be."

Luna was completely professional but Draco still felt violated; it didn't hurt but Draco didn't like it anyway. Luna finished and then gave him a list of instructions for keeping his new body part clean. Charlie listened avidly and took the pamphlet Luna offered and put it in his pocket. Draco tried not to think about what that could mean.

A day later the pains started in the middle of the night and Draco woke Charlie and asked to be taken to St Mungo's.


Cassandra reassured Draco he and the baby were going to be fine. As long as he stayed in bed until he was fully healed from the birth and didn't exert himself at all. He had successfully birthed a beautiful baby girl who was sleeping in a cot next to him. His labour had taken ten hours from waking up in Charlie's arms feeling like a chainsaw was pressing against his spine to the nurse

handing him a tiny wet bundle who looked like a scrunched up grandma. The love that filled him when he looked at her sleeping in her tiny little knitted babygrow with one thumb stuck in her mouth, it was like nothing he'd ever experienced before. It was all worth it. She was perfect. It was later as Draco lay perfectly still in the recovery room that he heard an explosion somewhere nearby, definitely within the hospital grounds. He lay still listening to random screams being cut off and getting closer and closer until he heard someone in the corridor outside his room screaming and then the handle on his door turned and he had never been so terrified in his life as when that door swung open and he saw his father enter the room.

If Draco had been capable he would have jumped out of the window right then and there. The New Lucius was staring at him and not advancing. He raised his eyes up to Lucius's face and knew that every life within a mile radius of this room depended on his next words.

𝐁𝐀𝐑𝐄𝐅𝐎𝐎𝐓 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐖𝐀𝐍𝐃𝐋𝐄𝐒𝐒Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon