Draco just watched him. A few things made sense as Ron spoke. He'd obviously found him on the floor when he woke up at his usual time. He noticed the dark look Charlie was giving Ron but decided he'd tackle that later.

"I'll get Luna, she'll explain everything."

Hermione came closer and took his hand as Ron disappeared. "I'm so glad you're okay Draco." She said and then Luna came into the room. It was getting a little crowded but Draco didn't really mind.

"Hello Draco, glad to see you awake." Luna said "You had a bowel obstruction and we had to operate, basically the baby pushed against your bowel and caused an obstruction, we've treated it and hopefully there won't be any further problems. The baby is fine. It must have been extremely painful for you."

Draco nodded. He was so relieved everything was okay. Luna turned to the gathered group of Gryffindors and asked them to give Draco some privacy so she could examine him. Draco asked if Charlie could stay and Luna agreed. Charlie looked surprised but pleased.

"You're not too far off your birth date, have you made a final decision about the birth."

"The natural birth." Draco replied immediately as Luna checked his pulse and the baby's position.

"Okay, that's fine. We should create the birth canal no more than seven days before the due date."

"Sounds like a good plan."

"Wait a minute." Charlie said "What do you mean birth canal?"

Luna looked at Draco who nodded so she began to explain.

"Draco has opted to have a natural birth which means we have to create a birth canal for the baby to come out of."

"But why, isn't a caesarean easier?"

"It's healthier for the baby." Draco replied before Luna could

"Draco, it's dangerous." Charlie said fervently "Have you thought it through."

"It's healthier for the baby." Draco said stubbornly.

Draco stared at Charlie willing him to understand that he had made his mind up about this months ago. Charlie stared back for several seconds and then blinked.

"Okay, explain the risks to me." Charlie said quietly to Luna.

"We'll be making a hole in Draco's body that leads up to the baby so there is a chance of infection

if the area isn't looked after properly. Draco will need to bathe carefully and ensure it's kept clean."

"What about the birth itself."

"Well obviously there are some risks inherent; a certain amount of stress will be placed on Draco's body."

"Will it fit?" Charlie asked "The baby, will it fit through?"

"The spell will widen Draco's pelvis and during the actual labour there are a number of things we can do to ease the way." Luna replied.

"Charlie, I trust Luna and I want to do the best thing for the baby. It's healthier for her to have a normal birth."

Charlie looked at Draco again shaking his head ruefully "Okay but just don't break anything down there."

"I've got the spell ready to go. It will only take half an hour to add the final ingredient then you simply swallow it. There shouldn't be any pain, but it will probably feel odd and the canal will appear in about ten minutes. You still want to do it?"

"Yes" Draco said firmly.

"Okay I'll book you an appointment for the first week in March then." Luna said

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