Morax x Ajax 🌸

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I have been pacing around in my apartment for hours, I didn't wake up to him today and I was left with a note saying he got called in for something dangerous. I know that he's a harbinger but he's a human.....he can get hurt.

God this boy. I can't bear it sometimes, always doing this to me.. But it's not his fault I shouldn't be so mad at him...

I bite my nails, thinking of him. What happened to my Ajax is he ever going to come home?

I was going to make myself insane like this.

He's everything to me, I don't want to lose him because he.. slipped up..

I heard the front door, rushing down the stairs before embracing him in a tight hug. I lowered us to the ground just holding him in my lap. Feeling his back muscles underneath his uniform.

Kissing him immediately.

He softly chuckled at my urgency.

"Bah xiansheng I'm okay. I didn't get that hurt.. See?" C

I looked at him, he had a cut on his cheek and some bruises, I caressed them and kissed them, putting my hands under his ass to pick him up.

Once I did, I kept him so close , going into our room and depositing him, undressing him until he was naked. And undressing myself.

I pushed us under the covers, I always seemed to unwind completely with him, accidentally letting out my horns and the rest of my dragon features.

I always thought he was interested in them, he stroked them and kissed them both of my horns, I took the chance to make is even closer. Looking into his blue crystal eyes.

If I lost him I truly wouldn't have a place in this world anymore.

"Ajax... you have to stop scaring me like that.." M

"I know I'm sorry.. sometimes it's just out of nowhere and I don't want to wake you up.." C

"When it comes to that you should wake me up. I thought.. something bad happened again.." M

He took my face in his hands and kissed me. I couldn't be happier kissing him, loving him again, leaving all the rest of the day stressing me out, I forgot. tangling our legs together and my tail wrapping him up i softly drifted.

I have my happiness now.

~🌸 the end 🌸~

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