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Keith is also aware of my relationship with Aaron. He says Aaron is a scumbag for letting me go.
I'm curious, how will he feel, when I tell him that the same scumbag is back in the same city.

We came home together.
I went up to my son's room to check on him.
I looked around and underneath his bed was a hand-drawn photo of myself, Aaron, and him.
With the caption, how I wish I had a complete family.

I collected the paper and threw it on my way downstairs.

Aaron might be protected by my mom, however, the closeness between Dalton and him is gradually making me uncomfortable.
What if Mom had seen this picture before I got the chance?
I know her. She'll find a way to make that wish a reality, despite my warning.

The following morning.
Since Keith wasn't able to see anyone at home, he visited us.
Mom sees him coming and goes off asking questions about his arrival.

Mom has never really liked Keith. She says he is too pretentious.
I'm trying to see that, but I don't.

"Hey, why are you here?".
I picked up my bag from the table.
Keith looks at me before talking, "I'm sorry, I was hoping I could give you a ride to the office, right after we drop Dalton at school,".
He wiggles his eyebrows at me.

I asked Mrs. Jane to get Dalton dressed, she nods and while leaving for the bedroom, Aaron walks in.
Dalton sees him and dashed off to hug him.

Why's he here?

I turned back and looked at Mom's receptive behavior toward him.
She merrily asked him to seat comfortably while Dalton get ready for school.

I followed Mom to Dalton's bedroom.
Unfortunately, before I got a chance to reprimand her for being too impulsive.
She shuts me up, by letting me know the consequences of my action if ever I stop Aaron from taking Dalton to school.

She moves towards the door when I dragged her back to my gaze.
"Mom, I understand how much you love, your grandchild, but don't you think Aaron might get to know the truth,  sooner than expected?".

"Yes, what exactly do you think was the plan, did you forget my promise?.".
She says and left me looking dumbfounded.

I came downstairs.

Mom asked Aaron to dress Dalton up for school, and he takes the cloth and smiled.

Aaron dressed Dalton so well that I commended him for a job Weldon, only a few fathers can dress their child.

Afterward, Mom asked Aaron to take Dalton to go to school, since I had an important meeting at the office.


Aaron nods and Dalton grabbed his hand once again, forgetting me.
He never leaves without kissing me.

who's your daddy?. ( Book 1&2)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ