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Why everyone should visit your imagination

The imagination, a place in mind where you can create anything you want, you can control everything you made.

It's like dreaming but you're in more control unlike dreaming. When you dream one can see your imagination is running wild, it could be induced by what do you heard or saw last before sleeping.

How about daydreaming? Isn't that a form of imagination? Here you are imagining "what would happen if..." or "if I could just..."

Now they say you can improve your imagination if you read. Why? Well there's someone who reads I can say That when you read that you have to see and hear you everything you read. You can't read everyone with the same voice, it's just going to sound weird. Are the book itself would describe the places, people or events. This forces your brain to create this that has been described.

Having a powerful imagination could be useful in a lot of ways like problem-solving, for example there is no gravity and everything is floating away, the thing most important to you is way up there! What are you going to do? Use your imagination.

Or think of something that'll make you happy, like an imagination nation where you're the king, the president or a dictator. You can do whatever you want.

However some use their imagination for...darker reasons, a little too dark for it to be normal.

You never know what the next person is thinking. They could already have your body over a desk, dissected. Or you could be on top of their world. Be the hero! Be the villain! Be who you wish you could be but don't mistake it for reality.

In some cases the imagination gets mixed with reality. Like schizophrenia and others. They would say or do things as if they happened in reality when in actuality it didn't. Or a mirage, when you're dying in a desert and you see water. Hallucinations perhaps? Could these all be forms of imagination? It could be but imaginations without your consent.

Go! Visit your imagination. Like any other place there are probably things you shouldn't do, but enjoy yourself.

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