I love you, Jonathan Carnahan

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"Is he alive?" I asked Rick, who had gone to inspect Winston. Winston's eyes were closed and he looked as if he could be sleeping. Rick checked his pulse and looked at us, his eyes filled with sadness. The plane started to descend into the ground then, and Ardeth snatched Rick back.

"Quicksand!" I watched in horror as the plane disappeared into the sand, Winston along with it. Another person who'd died for us. I felt immense grief, not only for Winston, but for anyone else who might die because of this.

We bowed our head in respect before walking away from the sand. Winston finally got what he wanted, but it didn't make it any less sad. I kept glancing at Jonathan as we walked through the sand dunes. He was looking ahead of us, his brows set in determination.

Would I ever get to tell him how I really felt? He had to know by now, but I needed to say it out loud. I needed to tell him I loved him. Now I might not get the chance for we were marching into a suicide mission.

I thought about the odds. What chance did we have against Imhotep with his supernatural abilities? I couldn't bear to think about the outcome if we failed. Millions would die if Imhotep took over. The world would be thrown into chaos and despair, and we wouldn't be around to help. And if by some off chance I survived, I might be alone. That grief would be too much for me to bear.

"We're back." I whispered as we stood in front of the city. It felt like a lifetime ago that we'd first marched into Hamunaptra. If I'd known then, would I have kept going? Would I have stayed to help? I answered that for myself. Of course I would. Hamunaptra had inadvertently led me to Jonathan. The life threatening circumstances had only proven how much he meant to me.

I took a breath and followed the men into Hamunaptra. I held Jonathan's hand again, fearing that if I let go, something terrible would happen.

We walked into a room and everyone gasped. The room was full of treasure. Everywhere I looked, I saw gold. "Could we just-" Jonathan asked desperately, glancing at the treasure with wide eyes.
"No!" I told him, pulling him along as we walked out of the room.

We entered the passageway that and saw that it had been blocked. Imhotep must have taken extra precautions to make sure we failed. Ardeth told us Imhotep had taken Evie to the same place he'd taken Anucksunamun's body before.

"We've got to break this somehow." I said, kicking the wall with my boot. Rick and Ardeth started to jab the edges of their guns into the wall, trying to break it. A piece of the stone broke away, and I leaned over pulling more pieces out. We could see a small room with a statue in it. I was sure this was the statue of Horus.

"Once we get through, we can make it to the statue and get the book. Then we can save Evie." I told them and Rick started to hit the rock harder as I mentioned Evie. I knew he would never forgive himself if she was killed.

Jonathan let out a scream of pain and I immediately rushed over to him. "Jon! Jon! what is it?" I asked him frantically, looking him over. "My arm! My arm!" He said and I snatched his shirt off of his shoulder.

There was something underneath his skin crawling up his arm. A scarab, I realized in alarm. "Rick! Rick help me!" I yelled desperately. Rick ran over and pulled out a knife. "Hold him." He told us , and Ardeth and I held Jonathan back.

I winced as Rick cut Jonathan's arm and he screamed. I didn't like seeing him in pain. The bug flew across the room and Ardeth and I let Jonathan go. Rick shot the bug as it came towards us.

Jonathan collapsed into my arms and I fought back the tears that threatened to rise. I had been seconds away from losing him. Seconds away from losing the only man I'd ever truly loved. "I'm going to tell Jonathan something very important, so neither of you interrupt me." I said, shooting Ardeth and Rick a warning look. Rick nodded and I could tell he understood how I felt. I took a deep breath and started to speak.

"From the day I met you, you've had a piece of me. I know why now. I think I always knew. Whether it's because of your humor, or the way you always make me laugh, or even the way you know exactly how to make me feel better. I'm in love with you Jonathan Carnahan. And I know that this is bad timing-"

My speech was cut off as Jonathan crashed his lips into mine. I didn't even think twice about the audience as I kissed him back. There were fireworks going off in my brain. I clung to him like a lifeline. If this was the last thing that happened before I died, so be it.

Jonathan and I broke apart. We gazed at each other for a second before laughing. "Adalind O Connell, I love you too." Jonathan said and my heart swelled with happiness. The words meant so much more now.

"This is all very touching, but we have a damsel in distress to save." Rick said, and Jonathan and I blushed. I had forgotten Rick was there. I looked ahead to see the pathway was free. Jonathan and Ardeth walked ahead. I started to follow, but Rick grabbed my hand. "I'm proud of you, Addy." He told me and I pulled him into a hug.

The hug hurt for some reason. It felt like we were both saying goodbye. I knew that if we made it out of this, I would always remember this moment. "Let's go save Evie."

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