The City of the Dead

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Thebes, City of the Living, crown jewel of Seti the First. Home of Imhotep, High Priest and Keeper of the Dead. Birthplace of Anucksunamun, the Pharaoh's mistress. No other man was allowed to touch her.
But for their love, they were willing to risk life itself.
Anucksunamun walked into the room, her body painted with hieroglyphics in black paint. She walked up the stairs, past Imhotep's priests, into the veiled room. Imhotep and her embraced.
The priests attempted to close the door as they were burst open by the Pharaoh.
"What are you doing here?" He asked the priests. He walked towards Anucksunamun, who was leaning against a cat statue. The Pharaoh glanced down at her arm, where the paint had been smeared. "Who has touched you?"
He asked Anucksunamun, who looked up in alarm as she saw Imhotep behind the Pharaoh. He stole the Pharaoh's sword. The Pharaoh turned around in surprise. "Imhotep? My priest!" He asked, betrayed. Imhotep glared at the Pharaoh before stabbing him with the sword. Anucksunamun and Imhotep both stabbed the Pharaoh and jumped as they heard the doors burst open again.
"Magi. Pharaoh's bodyguards." Imhotep said, staring at Anucksunamun in fear. "You must go!" She told him and Imhotep's priests came and dragged him away. "No!" He said, trying to shake them off. "Only you can resurrect me!" She told him as he was dragged away. She turned towards the Magi as they ran in, glancing down at the Pharaoh's body. "My body is no longer his temple!" Anucksunamun yelled and plunged the dagger into her stomach. Imhotep winced as he watched from afar.
Imhotep and his priests stole Anucksunamun's body from her tomb, and took it deep to Hamunaptra, the City of the Dead.
Imhotep dared the gods anger by going deep into the city.
Imhotep had also taken the Book of the Dead from its holy resting place.
Anucksunamun's soul had been sent to the underworld, and her vital organs placed in five sacred jars.
Imhotep was prepared to raise Anucksunamun from the dead, but the Magi stopped him before he could finish the ritual.
Imhotep was condemned to suffer the Hom-Dai, and his priests condemned to be mummified alive.
Imhotep was placed in a sarcophagus, the undead for all eternity.
The Magi would never allow him to be released, for he would arise a walking plague to this earth, with the strength of many and the glory of invincibility.

My name is Adalind O' Connell and I have a story to tell you. You probably won't believe me, but it is true, and it happened to my friends and I. I better start with the beginning.

Cairo 1926

I walked along the roads of Cairo, Egypt. I was on the way to see my best friends Evelyn and Jonathan Carnahan. Evelyn worked for the Museum Of Antiquities. She could read and translate Ancient Egyptian like no other. I met her at the museum when I came in looking for a book. She spent hours finding me the perfect one and we ended up talking. We'd been instant friends after that.

Later, I met her older brother, Jonathan, who had a real aptitude for 'finding' things. I suspected he actually stole them, but I wouldn't ever tell anyone that. Over the last three years I'd known them, I'd grown quite fond of them both and considered them my best friends.

I walked into the library to see the huge bookshelves begin to fall like dominos. I heard a small squeak as Evie slid down the ladder, hitting the floor. I rushed over. "Evie! My goodness! Are you alright?" I asked, helping her off the floor. I'd heard Jonathan call her Evie once, and it had stuck. Evie stood up and brushed off her skirt.

"Yes, I believe so." She said uncertainly as she looked at the wreckage around us. "What ? Oh my!" The curator yelled and I winced. The curator of the museum was definitely not my favorite person in the world, especially with the way he addressed Evie.

"Give me flies, frogs, locusts! Anything but you! Compared to the other plagues you were a joy." He said to Evie and I rolled my eyes. He tended to be prone to dramatics. "I'm sorry, sir. It was an accident." Evie said apologetically, not wanting to argue with the curator. I wanted to give him a piece of my mind for talking to Evie that way.

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