His Blood

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I was working out inside our house, like I usually do when I'm bored or stressed when I received a call from Stiles. I immediately respond, scared that he could be in trouble.

De:Stiles ! What's wrong, is something happening ?  I asked concerned for him.

He stayed silent for a second, he always does that at the beginning of his calls. He takes time to memorize the voice and emotions of the other person talking. I tried to hide my worry a bit but I couldn't hide anything from Stiles, he knew me way too well.

St:I'm fine, it's just about Scott. I think he got bit last night...he finally responded

De:You mean by a werewolf ?  I asked confuse.

I don't get how it could be possible ? As far as I know I'm the last remaining werewolf in beacon hills and even if yesterday was a full moon night I stayed at home with Stiles the whole time and without the nightmare I slept through it all...

St:It looks like it, apparently he heard howling in the forest, he got bite and now he's very fast and strong. I don't see any other options. He explained

I didn't see any other alternatives either but then it hit me, when a human is bitten by a werewolf during a full moon they often transform faster then others.

De:He didn't hurt you right ? I asked considering how dangerous Scott could be

St:Nah don't worry, I know how to protect myself, thank to you...but it means there's another werewolf in town.

As soon as I heard his calming voice I was able to relax a bit. What I've always loved about Stiles is that he doesn't get bored of me, never, and that when I'm starting to get overprotective, instead of scolding me like my family used to he understands my fears and try his best to reassure me. Sadly the presence of another werewolf in town was the only obvious answer, I sighed for a second and let my hand slip form forehead to my chin, whipping the sweat of my work out  before responding back to Stiles

De:And if that werewolf go around bitting every teen they find, we're going to have a hard time living normally.

St:Yeah-before he could finish I heard a muffled voice talking to him

?:Wh...d...Hale ? Were the only words I was able to make out

And then... Not another word

I could hear shuffling, like he was fighting against someone ! I immediately started calling for him to make sure he wasn't in danger.

De:Stiles, Stiles are you ok ? What happened ?... STILES ! Ok that's it I'm coming.

St:I'm fine, I'm fine. He finally responded, I couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief, it was just a stupid classmate who scared me, I don't need help don't worry.

De:Ok...call me if you need something else

St:I will, love you. I smiled at the sweet words.

I know we've been saying I love you to each other for quite a lot of time now but I still get butterflies when I hear those three, seemingly not really meaningful  words.

I was stupidly grinning even tho the call had already ended 5 minutes ago  and when I look at the time I realize that I still have at least 20 minutes until I need to go pick up Stiles, I think he had lacrosse practice last period so he may leave early. I think for a minute, what could he enjoy? I ask myself.

De:Oh I know ! I exclaimed out loud

I start to walk inside the kitchen and I open the fridge door but I see something moving from the corner of my eye. I automatically turn to look in the window's direction but nothing is there. I brushed it off as me being a bit paranoid from last night and from the lack of company.

Me and Stiles were inseparable all summer break, we'd wake up next to each other, we would go for a run in the morning,  come home to eat, spend the entire afternoon watching all types of series and movies and to finish we would grab some food and eat under the different moons. He would fall asleep in my arms looking at the stars and I would get a chance to look at his beautiful face , his freekles standing out under the soft moon light. So now that school starts again it's just so hard to be away from him but I understand that he needs time for himself.

I looked back at the curly fries and as I was about to take them I saw the shadow moving again but this time when I looked at where my eyes caught movement it stayed still. Staring at me through the window with his piercing red eyes. We stayed there, looking at each other without moving. What is this! And what is it doing outside my house ! I couldn't help but wonder.

It slowly lifted it's clawed hand to put it against the window and before I could even register what it was doing the glass was now orned by a spiral before running off into the woods. I recognized this symbol... That's... No it can't be.

I immediately run outside to try and catch it but the shadowy figure was already too far away and was running faster then any human could...there's only one explanation, first Scott, the spiral and this speed. I rushed to my car only to find it completely trashed, the wheels were flat and my windshield destroyed.

I couldn't use my car, why did this creature broke my car ? And then I realized that it started running towards beacon hills high school ! It couldn't want Stiles, this mysterious creature is after Scott ! It wants it's beta to join the pack...I wouldn't really care about some stupid guy that I don't know anything about but I know that he's one of Stiles' best friend and that this beast could put him in danger.

I start to run as fast as possible towards the school building. I know that by this time Stiles should start to head towards the parkinglot if his coach didn't kept them late. I need to get there on time, usually Stiles leave with scoot before entering the car and telling me everything that happened during his day, which means that if that beast is after Scott and that he's most likely right next to my boyfriend he's definitely going to protect his friend and is going to get injured in the process. I couldn't stop my racing mind from thinking about all the horrible things that could happen.

When I finally arrived in front of the school I saw the front doors widely opened, i furrowed my eyebrows from anger and immediately entered the school to find Stiles. I could smell his scent everywhere but there was a stronger one, indicating that he was here recently, it was leading to the changing room. I slammed the door open without hesitation, entering the dark room and I was greeted with my boyfriend holding firmly on his bat. I raise my hands in the air, showing that I'm not a threat and when he recognize me he dropped his weapon on the floor, making a loud bagging noise, before he sighed loudly. When he looked at me I could see the fear in his eyes, I took him in my arms, he instantly leaned in me touch and hugged me tightly in return. I burrowed my nose on the crack of his neck, simply enjoying the warmth and familiar smell.

De:What happened ?

St:Big bad wolf... He responded, his face still burrowed inside my shirt.

What he was saying didn't meant a lot of sense and his voice seemed off. I guess " big bad wolf " was referring to the enormous alpha outside the house, I could slowly feel him put all his weight on me.

De:Stiles ? I interrogated

But there was no responses. I searched for the light switch and when I finally found it and looked down at my boyfriend laying in my arms I realized that my sleeves were covered in blood ! His blood...


Hello guys !!! I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, for once I made a Derek pov, hopefully you like it. If you do let me know so I can write more of these. Thanks a lot for all the support, see you next week ❤️❤️❤️❤️

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