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"You are literally so creepy," he sighed but looked expectant, "so, do you forgive me?" I scoffed, slamming my head back a few times into the wall of the barn. He backed up letting me go as I groaned, "no David, I don't," He looked, indescribably upset, "work for it." He looked into my eyes and was about to open his mouth but I saw that spark that lit up the outer edges of his eyes, "I am not talking about with your mouth so don't start with me on this." He paused, closing his mouth and looking to the side with crossed arms like a child who was kicking dirt, "you are such a baby."

I turned my face away with a sigh, "just give me some time to sort through all of this, okay, I won't leave... Yet, but you have to work for forgiveness, this isn't just about why I left David," He looked confused, "you hit me so that's double work," I huffed out my words and raised my head, "but you slapped me too," I scoffed and started walking away, "doesn't count, I hit you for a reason, you didn't have a reason." He followed me and stayed silent, "oh my shit, you didn't have a reason, you asshole, why the hell did you hit me?!" His face was just pure shame, I could practically feel it rolling off of him in waves of energy. "You hit me first." I laughed to myself, "so you hit me because I hit you, the fuck, at least mine was a good reason." He groaned, "can we not fight about this right now?" I stopped, calming myself, "fine, you can leave now." He gaped at me, "are you serious? Rune, come on, I'm sorry baby."

"Shane?" My eyes caught sight of the still somehow wet haired vampire, "hello," He paused and I heard the growl forming from in front of me and behind. "What the hell are you doing here?" They both looked at each other and started growling. Suddenly the back door to the house opened noisily and I froze like a kid with pockets full of candy being caught by a shop owner, "You two, shut up, I'm trying to read the tv guide. Rune, you keep those boys in line or I will be, is that understood young lady?" I swallowed, "yes sir, sorry pop's." he nodded when I looked at him before shutting the door, I whirled back on them both, whispering my anger, "are you trying to get us killed?!" I scoffed, turning away from them and walking to the other side of the barn where it would be more quiet.

I looked at both of them and motioned for them to come stand near me, my phone ringing and catching my attention suddenly. David groaned and the two men watched each other after appearing at my side, I rolled my eyes answering my phone, "Sammy?"

"Rune hey, so s-i-s-t-e-r?"

"Why are you saying sister like that, what did you do Samuel?"

"Ugh, nothing, how could you think I did something?"


"I swear it's nothing, Alan's here."

"Okay bye Sam," he stopped me quickly.

"He wasn't lying, they weren't together I swear."

"It's true, she just won't leave me alone Rune," I swallowed, his voice in my ear, "Okay."

"I miss you, please can we hang out and just talk tomorrow night, I know it's getting early, please?"

"Yeah that would be nice, I'll see you tomorrow night then, bye..."


I hung up and clenched the phone squealing like I was still in high school, "who the hell was that?" A hand grabbed my arm and it broke my thought. I whirled with my palm out, slapping the man. "Holy shit, David I'm so fucking sorry, I didn't mean too." he was bent over with his hand on his face and I had a deja-vu moment, "it's fine... we're even now." He stood straight and poked my chest as I nodded exaggeratedly with a frown and raised brows, "David?" We looked at each other's eyes, "yes?"

"Your finger's on my boob."

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