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"Are you sure you want this Rune?" I looked at him for a long minute, "Nothing more than this..." And that was the moment I tasted his blood, sweet just like him, Marko's wrist against my lips and our eyes connected as we sat alone in the cave. His arm was pulled away and replaced with his lips, "Marko..."

We spent the next ten or so years together in Santa Carla everything was peaceful, Lucy and Max got married after a few months and Pop's ended up remarrying to Mrs.Johnson and it turns out she was a creature of the night also so Pop's was one of us in the end too. Laddie was turned when he hit seventeen as for Sam he turned when he was nineteen obsessed with forever being the older brother in his head. They boy's and I spent those years happily on the pier, watching Laddie grow up and always entertained. Of course the little turf fights continued as more little self proclaimed surf nazis came to the boardwalk which were perfect for feeding nights and to keep the boys on par. Of course not everything lasted though, while everyone stayed in Santa Carla for those ten years happily, things had basically come to a stop about two years after Laddie turned.

David thought that we should turn a girl that Laddie had taken an interest in one night, the only problem was that she wasn't interested in my Laddie she wanted my boys, effective in getting under my skin as a human she was worse when she turned finally thinking she could get rid of me she made up quite a few lies before I had enough.

"David I don't want her here, she's caused too many problems." We would fight about her so much that in the end it was what wore me down the most, "Just stop okay, she's staying and that's final, grow up Rune." Our last fight made me realize how much David wanted her to be there, while Marco, Paul and Dwayne were uncaring of the girl as much as I could see at least, David had liked her but I was never sure just how much, at the moment I had given up on the bond with him because of his favor towards her instead. He would always believe her and ignore me in those month's and that night was just the final straw for me. "Okay." I remember turning away from him and going to spend the daytime in one of the other tunnel pieces away from everyone and when night hit and we all went to the boarding walk Laddie and I took a small trip. I talked to Laddie on our way to see Pop's, we had decided to leave together and do a bit of traveling, maybe settle somewhere for a few years so he could have some type of education.

We left the next night after telling my family, specifically pop's and Sam, intentionally leaving the boys out of the plan which I felt wouldn't matter anyway David had chosen the girl in my eyes giving me no other choice but to go somewhere else to be happy again. Over the next twenty years we visited a few states at night of course before we settled in Michigan. Laddie went to school for the first time since he was a kid, of course it was homeschool and I taught him but it was something. During the night I opened an art studio for a few years and spent my nights painting and living my life with my boy, I wasn't always happy though, I missed my boys a lot but I knew I couldn't go back, not now anyways. Besides, they had a new mate and my bonds were too far apart to feel anymore. I had learned to deal with the cramps from being seperated from them plus I had Laddie and when he met his mate there was another person I learned to care about. I stood back though and let them live their life together. But we became a family and they still didn't want to leave me on my own. 

Once again though we needed to move due to never aging and the fact Marcie was considered a missing person now so we closed up shop and hit the road after selling most of our stuff once again. Laddie wanted Marcie to meet everyone back home though and even though I was against going back I was willing to be hurt by certain sights to let my daughter in law meet everyone. So for the first time in twenty years I was going back to Santa Carla and the only people who knew were Pop's and his wife.

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