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 "Alan? Is that a hickey, when did you get that?" I turned as we walked out the shop shouting to Edgar, "You missed it Edgar she was hella bodacious." I giggled as I saw Alan smile knowingly at me while Edgar started interrogating him.

Sam watched me as we walked out of the shop, "You're sleeping with them aren't you," I slapped him on the back of the head, "I'm a virgin you nimrod, I ain't sleeping with anyone." He gave me a look that basically said 'girl please', "we broke up last year, the summer before we turned seventeen. We dated for a while too, he was the first person I met here..." I gave a very drastic sigh with a fake smirk. He was acting like his mind was blown as we walked across the pier.

It was maybe ten minutes past dark though seeing as the time went by kind of slowly for the past two hours. "You mean to tell me that you, and him, dated for," I watched him count using his fingers while I laughed at him, "however long, and you're still a virgin?" I scoffed, poking him in the arm, "Just because all you and Mikey boy think about is sex, doesn't mean I do too." He rubbed his face apologizing under his breath, "So do you still, ya know?" It took me less than a second to understand, "Love him? Six years Sammy, we were sweethearts for six years and all it took was one fight for me to almost break like a fucking china doll."

He was looking at me in a way I never saw anyone even think about me with, "six years? I'm sorry." He was being sincere and it was weird seeing him saddened by my words, "it's okay, everything's okay," I looked at him from the corner of my eye, "Things happen and some people are just meant to be hurt you know." He looked at me as I breathed in some fresh air with a deep inhale, "It doesn't hurt anymore it's more of just missing him because he was the first person to make me truly not wanna drown myself when Lucy did what she did," I mistook the look he gave me for a different emotion and apologized, "sorry, I mean for mom."

I guess he didn't understand how bad it was for me though, "I'm sorry for everything I mean and what mom did was wrong she shouldn't have done that, besides he still cheated on her." I looked at him, "Now that we're on the topic, what makes you think you had the right to grow taller than your big sister huh?" He groaned, throwing his head back, "I think you mean little sister."

My mouth fell open at his words. I was shocked at what he said, "Samuel Emerson, did you just call me short, how dare you." I pinched his arm as he patted my head, cooing at me, "so are you going to get back together with him?" I looked at him earnestly replying, "I honestly don't know but we know what we are at the moment, besides we are totally tubular as friends," he gave me a look at my choice of slang, "who sometimes make-out when each of our little brothers aren't around." I laughed as he gagged at the word 'make-out'. I heard the familiar sound of chains and leather while I felt an angry aura or maybe it was someone watching me but it was an intense feeling that washed over me when I finished talking. "Sam, Rune, this is Star, we're gonna go get something to eat okay?" It was Michael, he just popped up out of nowhere.

Michael had seen us for five seconds and introduced some random girl who was giving me a rude look. We watched as he walked off with her towards the bikes without a second glance or any more words as the Star girl smiled weirdly at me while they passed. It was like she was gloating or thought I was jealous of her. "Geeze, she's moving mad," I clasped my hand on his shoulder before talking with a sigh, "let's go home Sammy."

We followed behind them kinda close but not too close, reaching the bikes we walked past stopping right beside Michael's bike, I turned to tell him bye but the look she gave me pissed me off, being slightly petty I said I looked her straight in the eye with a smirk saying, "see you later Mikey."

Hopping on my bike I waited for Sammy to hop on. Four bikes rolled up with their owners, David, Paul, Marko, Dwayne and Laddie. The Star girl had introduced everyone except me and Sam. I looked at each of them as David said Star's name a few times till she got on his bike, I wasn't able to leave until Marko moved. He was looking at my eyes before he trailed his eyes down, tracing my body as he bit his fingers nails looking at me, "Bitchin bod babe, nice bike too," I licked my lips a little slower than usual while looking at him, his eyes were so, I can't explain it the way it felt looking at him but it was familiar.

"What did you just say?" Michael sat up straighter moving off his bike slightly as David taunted him, "got a problem Michael?" I looked at David feeling a weird connection like I did with the other three only having that snap feeling when I looked into his eyes, his clashing to meet mine for a few seconds. I realized it was similar to what I felt with the other two, "yeah actually I do, leave her alone." I watched Star's face become jealous and annoyed as she glared at me. "Mike, come on," Sam's words didn't deter the glare before David and Michael started talking, leaving me to be watched by the three other boys while Sam twitched anxiously behind me.

Leaning forward Marko put his hand down as he looked between my eyes and my chest as I blinked at him, my head tilted, I leaned forward almost intentionally pushing my chest against my arms. "Marko I would like to go home and veg out, can you move your bike for me sweets?" I watched him as he moved his bike after he gulped while watching me, "Schweet, catch you later boy's, bye Laddie." I wiggled my fingers before we drove off while Laddie and the boy's watched me leave with Sammy.

The drive home was calm. Walking through the front door with Sammy I kept rummaging through my thoughts, even a while later as I showered, the water turning cold while I washed my face. Eventually when I plopped into bed I fell asleep with ease after curling up with an old birthday present, an absolutely ugly stuffed animal from the arcade, it was a bear or supposed to be but it had weird button eyes that made it look like a dog plushy, my favorite thing about him was a patch that was sewn into its chest, totally weird but I loved it.

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