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I sighed deeply, "what happened?" He let me go and shut the door as I walked forward, farther into his room and began to look around slightly, "nothing Dwayne," my eyesight caught something and I walked over towards the dresser, multiple guitars sat in stands against the wall, including the one I had given him, the green shade dark. I was surprised he kept it, looking over I noticed something else. "You still have this?" I picked up the picture frame off the small bookshelf, "of course I did," he came to stand behind me wrapping his arm around my shoulder as his chest sat against my backside, "must have been pretty awkward with girls seeing it, or did you hide it somewhere?"

He grabbed the frame from my hands and sat it back down on the shelf, "never brought anyone home sweetheart, did you forget, I don't snack at home." I felt bad for thinking he did, "so why do ya still have it?" He hugged me from behind and we swayed for a few seconds, "why wouldn't I, that's our family," I nodded looking at the picture of Laddie on the back of his bike as I lent over the handlebars to kiss Dwayne with a smile on my face, "I'm sorry you didn't get to watch him grow into himself like I did..."

"I did, he was over eighteen when you left, beside I'll get to see him again now, can't be that different," I laughed to myself, "oh really? Well then you should know he really doesn't like Def Leppard anymore," He paused, tightening around me before letting go, "that's not my kid," I snorted, "shut up," I turned wrapping my arms around his waist as I looked up at him, "he missed you the most, more than Sam and Marko, didn't once ask about Max..." He nodded, kissing my forehead, "good, that's my boy."

"I thought you said he wasn't?" He scoffed and I rolled my eyes playfully, "you're going deaf sweetheart," I gaped at him, "is that right Dwayne?" He nodded, "want me to fix it?" I laughed at him, "and how do you plan to do that, doll?" I flicked his bare chest internally smirking at the sight, "I'm not sure, but we can make me go deaf," I stopped looking at his face, "why would we wanna do that?" He smirked, "I can only think of one reason on why and how we would do that." I blankly looked at him confused before I understood, "is all you think about sex?" He shrugged, "just you."

"So you think about me?" He shook his head side to side, "I didn't say that," I gave him a look, "okay I did but it's not how you think," I gave him the same look again, "so you don't think about me naked?" He didn't say anything, just narrowed his eyes at me until his eyes drifted down slowly and he licked his lips starting to nod slowly, "okay big guy."

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