Chapter 3

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I woke up the next day in a beautiful wooden room. I felt fine and I got up only to feel pain in my shoulder. I realized that it was from my battle with that Chevalier. I rose up and I looked to see a note from Manga, Langa, Rin and Yukio....

Or should I start calling you Marihime,
Anyways, I'm sorry for saying that you didn't belong here. You know you're my best friend and I would hate for anything to happen to you. But, now I see what you are capable of I want you to be safe and going back to Canada is no longer a option. Since we are on the topic Langa and I are Ice Warriors. Warriors of the Winer Lands. You haven't realized it yet but you are in the Unknown Lands. So, I suggest that you be careful even human hunters get hurt. I'm also sorry for not contacting you I couldn't get through to you. I tried calling and texting you many times but I got nothing. But, I promise you no matter what I will always have your back.

I was shocked and I smiled and read Langa's letter...

Or do you prefer I call you, Marihime, Anyways, I'm sorry I couldn't contact you. Manga and I had no connection to you in our contacts. But, I promise you from now on we will be by your side. I won't let anyone or anything hurt you.

I smiled and I read Rin's letter...

That is your real name right or do you want me to call you Maria? Anyways, I'm sorry for saying such mean things to you and yelling at you. You know I love you like a sister. You know I would hate if anything happened to you but, I also need to let you be a huntress. Which I am however I'm not letting you do that alone. Yukio, Manga, Langa and I will be there along with Soria.

I smiled and I read Yukio's letter...

Or do you want me to call you Maria instead. Anyways, I'm sorry for acting cold towards you. You know Rin and I love you like a sister. We just didn't want anything to happen to you. I'm sorry for telling Hiyori but you know she worries about you. So does Yato and Yukine. They asked us if you have recoved yet. I told them that you were still sleeping. I want you to keep recovering and don't you dare think about going after that Chevalier. Let us handle him.

I smiled and decided to listen to him. I finished resting up for another week...

A Week Later...

After, a week I decided to head out only to feel someone touching my shoulder as I got up to shower. I look over to see Yukina there...

"Let me help and heal you. You are still recovering."

She said and I agreed to let her help and heal me. She helped me to the shower and we washed up and I rested after I ate. Once I rested for three days and she healed me while I was asleep. I decided to get up and once I was up. I went to the shower and I heard Yukina talking on the phone...


She said and I heard a male's voice through the phone...

"Hello, Yukina. It's Yusuke."

He said and she smiled and she said how much she missed him and the other and he said that he knew that and that he had some news for her. I couldn't hear the rest of the conversation because I was in the shower. When I got out I heard Yukina say this...

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