Chapter 2

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I woke up the next day to a phone call from Hiyori. She was yelling at me and saying that I needed to stay away from Yukio and Rin's area and that I need to stay out of things that don't include me. I rolled my eyes and told her that I'll try and hung up. I took a shower, and I packed my things to leave the cabin. I picked up the Dragon eyes book and felt something hit my foot. I pick it up and it was a black laced necklace. It was a silver cross with a bunch of small diamonds inside it. I carried it with me, and I took everything including the basket with me and my dirty clothes. I put on a pair of black pants, a black tank top with a white fur coat and I put on my combat boots and my white balaclava. After putting that on I headed out. Right, when I headed out I heard some pair of wings flying closer to me. I ignored it and continued to walk. Until I was suddenly stopped and I sighed. I continued to walk until I felt a arm around me and I felt something sharp on my neck...

"You are the woman I've been looking for."

I heard a male's deep voice say and I grabbed my knife and was about to stab him until I heard this...

"Where are you going?"

I heard someone yell...

"Yukina, wait!"

I heard a male yell...

"I must go after her! She might be injured!"

I heard a female yell back. I'm assuming it is the same people from yesterday...

"Don't be hasty! It's too dangerous!"

I heard what sounded like Souichi yell. Right, when the male heard that he let me go. I quickly turned to face him. Pointing my bow and arrow at him. He had a short beard with full straight black hair with ivory skin and blue eyes. He smirked at me and said...

"Well, well, Princess of Purity you choose to fight someone out of your level."

He said turning his hands into weapons like a sharp spear...

"I choose to fight when provoked and you creature chose to provoke me!"

I said with after scoffing at the cocky man in front of me. I shot my arrow at him it misses him, and he aims at me. Cutting my shoulder and I scoffed in pain...

'Damn, he got me good.'

I thought to myself as he goes to aim at me again only for my body to suddenly felt warm. I felt him come from behind me. He aimed his sword like hands to my neck...

"See, she needs help!"

I heard a female voice say and I see a teal haired woman with a teal kimono and red eyes approach us...

"Yukina, stay back!"

I heard Souichi tell her and I smiled at her...

"Stay back ice maiden."

I suddenly said and I was confused about what I said. But, I put my hand on the male's sword and it burned him. He suddenly flew a distance away from me...

"Ugh, damn you!"

He said and aimed at me again. Only to be blocked by ice and someone grabbing me and taking me to a safe place which was a cave. I look to see Souichi and the two others with him...

The Four Dragon eyes Book, the Mabilonian cross & The Queen Of the VaticanWhere stories live. Discover now