Chapter 7

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I go deeper into the cave until I fall into a hole. When I landed it was all dirt and dry. I was looking around and I saw a silver bow with embroidery on it. I looked around and I walked up to it. I looked to see if anyone was around and I saw this black demon come towards me. I grabbed the bow and shot at the demon. I saw that there was several and started shooting at them. I was suddenly cut on my shoulder. I groan and decided to shot a clear path for myself to escape from. I managed to escape that area only to be cornered by more of them. I realized that there was too many of them. I thought I was going to die. So, I perpared for death only for the demons to be destroyed. Only to see a light blue light appear. I saw a violet light too along with a green light and a yellow and maroon light. I looked up and I saw a male with long black curly hair and blue eyes with him was what looked like Yukina next to him. He wore a red male chinese robe with black pants under it. He had on a pair of black combat boots. I got up and went to assist him only to be protected by what looked like Rin and Yukio. I saw another male with red straight hair and blue eyes. He had on a black shirt with black pants. With him was what looked like Jura and Keiyomi. With them was a male with brunette straight hair and blue eyes. Next to him was Soria with her brothers and a male with long Aquamarine haired and purple eyes, with him was a girl that looked just like him, with a silver haired woman with teal eyes. They all were blocking me from assisting them. I sighed and felt this sharp pain spread. I decided to head out with them protecting me. I managed to make it out alive I had Yukina following me along with Soria and the others. I sighed and went to walk away only to have someone stop me...

"Marihime, stop!"

I heard Keiyomi say and I smiled...

"I appreciate your assistance but you really didn't have to."

I said and Jura smiled...

"Oh stop being so modest."

She said with a annoyed look and I still remained calm. Even though she angered me. I walk off in silence and I was stopped by the black curly haired male...

"You're bleeding."

He said and I sighed and said...

"It's nothing."

I said in a as a matter of fact tone...

"You need a healer. Let Yukina heal y-"

He was about to lead me to her and I shook my head and replied snappily...

"As nice as she is. I don't want to waist her energy on me. Besides, all I need is rest and bandages."

I said and walked away from him and he silently looked at me. The other male sighed...

"Alright, we are giving you three days. If you are not healed by then Yukina is healing you."

Said the male with red straight hair. I nodded and walked off and I heard Soria and the others talking about my wound and their concerns only make me more irritated...

"If you care so much about me, Soria. Why didn't you say that you didn't want me with you?"

I asked more to myself and I smiled and I went to a nearby hospital that had old medical stuff. I opened a gauze packet and put it on my shoulder. I slept in the hospital and healed myself there. The next day, I woke up to some water being splashed on me. I rose up in surprise and saw Dojina, Kris, Alex, a straight dirty blonde haired girl with red eyes and Nanami with them. I sighed...

The Four Dragon eyes Book, the Mabilonian cross & The Queen Of the VaticanWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt