Start from the beginning

Prue: Pheebs, who is it?

(Suddenly Phoebe goes flying through the foyer.)

Phoebe: Aaahhh!

(The demon of Illusion walks in the foyer.)

Demon: Get up you miserable witch.

Prue: Hey, if you don't have anything nice to say.

(Prue uses her powers and the demon crashes into the grandfather clock as Rose and Andy rush over to Phoebe and helps her up)

Demon: And then there were two.

(He runs outside.)

Phoebe: Ow, ow.

Prue: You okay?

Phoebe: Oh, sure.

Prue: Come on, come on, come on.

(They run outside. Piper comes down the stairs.)

Piper: All right, who took my loo... fa.

Andy: Demon

(She notices the mess on the floor.)

[Cut to the movie theatre. Prue and Phoebe walk in. The movie "Kill It Before It Dies" is playing. The seats are empty except for one guy who's sitting in an aisle seat eating popcorn.]

Prue: I can not believe they made us pay.

Guy: Shh.

Phoebe: Sorry.

Prue: He's gotta be hiding in here somewhere.

Guy: Excuse me, but do you think you might keep it down. This is my favourite part.

Phoebe: Ooh, mine too. This is when Billy comes on and then th...

Prue: Pheebs, we need a spell.

Phoebe: Okay, but we know nothing about this guy. I can't just whip one up.

(They see him near the front row.)

Rose: Oh, he's making a break for it.

Phoebe: Um, "Evil that has travelled near, I call on you to disappear, elementals hear my call, remove this creature from these walls."

(The demon disappears in a puff of smoke.)

Guy: That was the most coolest thing I have ever seen.

Phoebe: It's all part of the show, sir. (to Prue) I can not believe that that just worked. It seemed too easy.

Prue: Wow, we are getting way too tough for these guys. (They start walking out of the cinema and Phoebe keeps watching the movie.) No, no.

(They leave. The demon appears on the screen. He laughs evilly.)

[Scene: Manor. Foyer. Prue, Rose Piper Andy and Phoebe are cleaning up the mess.]

Phoebe: How am I supposed to know what his deal is? He likes moonlit walks, thinks holding hands is underrated, and enjoys in his spare time killing witches.

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