Ch 18

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When morning hit, the anarchists woke up in another fresh mood. All of them cheered themselves up after Rua died and everything seem to be normal again. Vorda cooked up some breakfast for the bunch, which was something that Rua used to love doing. Rua was the one that took the motherly and big sisterly role for the team, now Vorda wants to step up to take that special role for her. That is something to admire about other than her obsession with killing and sex.

Ruby: Hmmm! This vegetable soup is delicious, Vorda! I never saw you as a good cook.

Vorda: I'm glad you like it. It was the best I could come up with.

Zious: Gotta say, it sure is tasty.

Ruby: *smirks* Just make sure you don't choke on it.

Zious: *smirks* Noted.

Erick: Hey, where's (YN)? Is he not coming down for breakfast?

Vorda: I'll go check on him.

Vorda left the kitchen and went to (YN)'s bedroom door. When she tried the doorknob, she couldn't open it because it was locked.

Vorda: *knocks on door* (YN)?

Vorda headed back into the kitchen and sat at the table with the others. Clearly, they were concerned.

Ruby: Is he okay?

Vorda: His door's locked. I knocked on it a few times, but he didn't answer.

Zious: Well, the guy acts pretty moody whenever he feels like he's failed at something. Maybe he need some time alone.

Ruby: But he shut himself up in his room since yesterday. There's no way (YN)'ll be that sensitive. Something's gotta be up.

Zious: I'd say we break into his room and see what's wrong with him.

Erick: Are you sure that's a good idea? Won't (YN) be pissed off?

Zious: Yeah, but he doesn't need to be in that room all day either. We still have work to do.

Ruby, Zious and Vorda stood up from the table and headed over to (YN)'s room door again. Erick was still reluctant about the idea of barging into (YN)'s room without his consent, but it was a 3 out of 4 ratio on the vote of what to do. So he followed the crew and stayed behind to only keep himself safe. Vorda took out one of her hairpins and stuck it into the keyhole. She played with the lock for a while until she cracked the lock open. She pushed the door open and stepped inside along with the others. No one was there.

Erick: Wait a sec. (YN) isn't even here.

Zious: Ohh. He probably woke up before all of us and decided to go out for a morning walk or something.

Vorda: Think again. His sword is gone. He always leaves it on the side of the bed.

Zious: He either took his sword and went out somewhere for training, or....

Ruby: He went out to the capital to pull off some crazy stunt!

Erick: Huh?

Ruby: The last time we saw (YN) was yesterday, and that was yesterday morning. He never left his room at the time. If I had to guess, he probably escaped from his room through that window over there and took his sword with him so he wouldn't catch our concern whenever he left.

Zious: Why would he leave the hideout without us knowing?

Ruby: He was probably planning on doing something drastic and he thought we'd get in the way.

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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2022 ⏰

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