Chapter 16

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Najenda gathered her team around at the big table to discuss a plan for everyone to follow for the afternoon. Something important came up and she wanted to make sure that everything would go well.

Najenda: One of our strongest holding points have just took place west of the capital. They sent us a message stating that they were expecting another attack by the Six Anarchists. From here forward I think you already know where I'm going with this.

Tatsumi: But you suggested us to stay away from them in the meantime to avoid any casualties.

Najenda: I know I did. However, the Anarchists are attacking our holding points to obviously attract our attention.

Najenda: They want a fight.

Leone: I guess that's pretty evident from the bloody messages they left on the walls of a few buildings.

Lubbock: Those guys are trying to provoke us. How rude.

Najenda: Since the Jaegers doesn't seem to take part of this, we won't have to worry about them. But we still can't drop our guard. We have to carry out our duty to support the Rebel army.

Chelsea: But we can't just go there and wait for them. They'll be expecting us.

Mine: What about a surprised attack? If we attack them unnoticed, they'll most likely suffer more on their end.

Chelsea: Wow. Great job, Mine. You're getting smarter already.

Mine: Shut up!!!

Najenda: Not a bad idea, Mine. In our surprise attack, we'll hit them where it hurts....

Najenda: (YN).

Najenda: If we take out their commander first, that will leave them at a disadvantage. Then we'll go in for the kill.

Mine: It won't be easy, though. I already seen what (YN) is capable of. He dodged Pumpkin's shots twice.

Mine remembered the two times of how quickly (YN) weaved away from her shots earlier. He was stealthy and flexible. That was very inhuman. Now he actually is inhuman!

Najenda: I am aware. That's why Susanoo will take him if (YN) is lucky enough. Losing is not an option.

Susanoo: Your wish is my command, Najenda.

Najenda: Good.

Najenda: Remember, (YN) is not Esdeath but he is just as vicious as her. Don't drop your guard. Try to stay competent by holding down the others.

Najenda: We cannot fail!

Tatsumi nodded in agreement and promised himself to do his very best to contribute to Night Raid's success.


You and the team of the Anarchists were jumping on rooftops and leaping across to other buildings at dusk to hide in the darkness like ninjas of the Empire. Honestly, you still kept thinking about Kurome. You shouldn't let your thoughts bring you down. Besides, you're the one who planned this sneaky invasion. Now wasn't time to dwell on the past.

You finally arrived to a building close to the huge base and watched over it. Ruby loaded her shotgun and Vorda placed her ring on her finger. Erick pulled out his sword, Zious got his staff ready, and Rua turned her skin into stone. You took your sword out and pointed it at the base. There were soldiers guarding the entrance with swords and guns.

But none of you cared.

(YN): Take them out.

Your team heard your command and they all jumped off the building to land in front of the entrance.

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