// chapter twenty-five : snowflake obsidian //

Start from the beginning

"Tommy! Great to see you again. Y/n, mind going with my husband for a while? If you want to know about guns, he's the guy to go to. I'll be there in a bit.

The two men grinned at eachother, though Tommy looked hesitant. Schlatt kept looking them up and down, eyes widening.

"..Hey, you're the kid Peitho paid me off to watch!"

"ex-cuse me?"

Jester gave the man a "shut the fuck up" look, Schlatt pursing his lips.

"Nuthin, come on. We're going to my collection!"

He then grinned, leading them out while Tommy stared him down. Of course Wilbur paid him to watch Y/n, and the fact he went to his nemesis's husband? Wow.

"So, Tommy!"

"..you wouldn't be dense enough to leave y/n with a gun, right?"

Jester blinked.

"i heard you lot through the air ducts, so, would you give y/n a gun? because if you are, that's pretty stupid.."

Schlatt beamed with pride as the teen cocked the gun, arms crossed on his chest. They aimed at the target a ways ahead of them, the man fixing their posture. Y/n just nodded, counting down from 3 in a mumble-like voice and shooting away.

Schlatt whooped, clapping as they blew the target dummy's head right off.


He cackled and cheered, grabbing a much much larger gun and joining in.

Well, this was just peachy! An extremely violent traumatized teen being taught how to shoot big ass guns most likely to use against certain people! Amazing!

They both paused when they ran out of ammo, Y/n putting down the glock and staring down a shotgun.

"Oh.. Oh you tryna use that?"


"Well gotdamn, you got the aim of a soldier. Go ahead."

They picked it up, turning it in their hands a few times. Oh.. oh this was amazing. This would be fun.

They aimed it with an iron grip, Schlatt watching intently.

They closed their eyes for a challenge, shooting at the target dummy. And thankfully, the bullet ended up hitting it's neck. He whooped and pat them on the back, though it felt more like a slap, pulling them in a shoulder-hug.

Y/n smiled and half-hugged them back. Whoo-boy, had it been a while since they got a hug from someone who wasn't either insane or scared out of their mind!

"You know what would be funny?"

Y/n smiled. Schlatt looked at them and quirked a brow.

"If I shot Pietho."

"Oh, that would be fucking hilarious!"

He snorted, grabbing the shotgun and blasting away at a target's head.

"And whoop, just like that there he goes!"

"And there he goes."

They were down there for a while, but ended up finally bringing Y/n to their "room" when their hands started to go numb. Schlatt bid them adieu, leaving to go attend to his own matters.

What Y/n found on their bed were a few things.

Their old things, somehow being brought back from Dream's base. They did wonder how he and his gang was doing.

Their old suit, which was tattered up.

And a new one.

It consisted of their old spiked mask, though the spikes were shorter but sharper with half of it being cut off to reveal their mouth and nose. A long jacket that could reach their ankles and also be used as a sick cape. Breathable looking cargo pants, and..

A shotgun. Brand new, of which Schlatt probably dropped there when they had been in the hall waiting for him to "set something up" inside.

Probably what he was hiding behind his back like a guilty child.

Y/n clapped their hands onto their hips, smiling.

They felt good.

// 1075 words //