Day 20: The Third Thang!

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I found the third thang and then Cap'n got a little concerned. We've been down here for twenty days and still no sign of Agent 3. He's gotta be down here! I'm thinking that before I leave, I will scour the facility for any sign of him... although that would be more effective if I actually remembered what he looked like. I believe he's a light tan inkling boy with blue eyes. I want to ask my Inkling friend about him, but I haven't been able to get in contact for a few days. Something must have been disabled or he's been "sanitized." He did find some information about the Sanitization process and that yes, it's irreversible. I remember a cape with the number three on the back, and definitely a male inkling, but smaller details like facial features and eye color elude me. I just have to keep pressing through and bear the memories returning to me.

In the past ten days, my Inkling friend told me stories of a female friend of his: stories that seemingly coincide with the adventures of Agent 3 in Octo Valley and Mount Nantai. It would seem so... if the character was not female. The consistency of the character's personality and appearance is so realistic I have to believe it unless proven false. He even mentioned Octo Valley and Mount Nantai explicitly, indicating that this is a real person with a real story. Some stories were about him and his teammates. Apparently he could lift the heaviest of the rollers—the Dynamo Rollers—with one hand, and easily palm a Basketball. I had no idea what a "Basketball" was, so I had to ask. Apparently Basketball is a team-played game where a ball is used to score points by tossing—called "shooting"—the ball into the opposing team's basket: called a "hoop." Marks on the floor—called a "court"—dictated how many points were earned depending on where the ball was shot from: close to the basket means one point, further away was two points, and further still was a difficult three-pointer. He only told me the basics, but said if I was interested he could recon Goby Arena and he could teach me more in person.

Right after the basketball conversation, I could no longer contact him. I figured he was busy, so I tried the next day. Nothing. I tried again yesterday and still nothing. I even tried right before writing this—as I can only do one thing at a time—and all I got was static. After three days with no calls I've become very concerned. What could have happened to him? Did he decide that talking to me wasn't a good idea, or did I say something that scared him off? I haven't told a soul of his existence since we've been in contact. I always moved cars when I wanted to talk to him, or spoke very quietly. To Cap'n, it looks like I'm listening to music and singing along.

Tests are getting harder, and the boss fights are excruciating. The promised land had better be worth all this toil and trouble. I've failed tests more times than I can count on two hands: many more than my successes. And yet, once I do finish the test, it seems like there's a large distance between the effort and the reward. The effort for each Mem Cake is so large, but a Mem Cake so small and only a fraction of my memories. I remember pieces of my Mother and her personality—my life up until this point—but what of my Father? The sheer variety of weapons I'm using and my skill level with each one implies that I stuck to a single weapon type or a pair of weapon types: Chargers and Dualies. I have no idea where I would've encountered Dualies, because they apparently weren't released until a year or so ago.

I want to be sure I remember, and I'm not sure I'll be able to return to the metro after I escape to the promised land, so my plan is to explore all the lines and gather all of the Mem Cakes before I leave with the fourth and final Thang in tow.

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