Foxy Free

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Stiles closed his eyes as he basked in the warmth of the sun on his face before stripping off his clothes and shifting. The fox stretched out his limbs and drank from the stream before his eyes fell on a rabbit sitting on the other side of the stream. On the one hand the rabbit was so cute but on the other hand it was so yummy looking. The fox froze and flicked its tail eyeing the rabbit and just as it was about to take off, he pounced.

Stiles was pleased with his prize and sauntered down to a small clearing with it. He was so focused on the rabbit he'd caught that he almost missed a growl to his right. He froze and whipped around, letting loose a growl of his own. There, between two trees, was a wolf. Stiles tilted his head because something seemed off with it. His eyes scanned the wolf and he wondered if maybe he was hungry. He carefully crawled closer and placed the rabbit at the wolf's feet. Now if Stiles had taken a minute to figure out that it wasn't an ordinary wolf, he might've been more careful with the symbolism of offering the rabbit but he was suddenly much more focused on the wolf's back leg that was caught in a trap. His ears went back and he growled before whining and slowly inching forward.

The wolf watched the fox curiously as it moved towards the trap before tensing and letting out a warning growl. The fox merely fixed the wolf with a look that said ' do you want my help or not '. The wolf acquiesced with a nod and the fox set about freeing him from the trap.

Stiles wondered about the trap for all of ten seconds because it was just like the one that he had helped free Lydia from. His tail twitched and he dug his paw under the side of the trap towards the spring mechanism easily disengaging it. The wolf howled and pulled his leg away with a slight limp and he stared at the fox. Stiles nosed at the rabbit with a smile and yipped, making the wolf smile and dig in. When the wolf looked up again the fox was watching him and before the wolf could do anything else the fox had bounded away back in the direction he had come from. The wolf did the same and only when he was back on pack lands did he shift back into his sweatpants forgoing his shirt and sink onto the grass. He brought his legs to his chest and rested his chin on his knees with his eyes closed. When he opened his eyes they glowed red as he recalled the scent of the fox who had freed him. What did the fox smell like as a human? That was what Brett wanted to know.


Stiles was a ball of nervous energy but he was also excited. He'd given the wolf a rabbit that he had caught and the wolf finally accepted it. It was only after freeing the wolf and seeing the injury heal so fast that the fox had realized that the wolf was a shifter like him. He figured that as much as the wolf was impressed with him as a fox that he would be disappointed with Stiles as a human. So Stiles bolted and shifted back pulling his clothes back on and hurrying home. His apartment was small and he had just finished moving in. One of the reasons he had chosen the area was because of the forest and how much room there was for him to run and play. Stiles grinned and felt his cheeks twinge pink. Was fate a thing that Stiles believed in? He didn't know but he realized that perhaps the rabbit would be seen as courting but of course that was silly. After all, everyone knew foxes and wolves didn't mesh.

At least that is what Stiles told himself as he fell asleep but the next day when he found himself trotting up to an unfamiliar, yet familiar house with a rabbit in his teeth and fully shifted he realized that his fox wanted to court the wolf. He slowly went up the steps and laid the rabbit on the mat and scurried away where he could watch from a safe distance in case the wolf was mad or didn't want it.


Brett had wondered if he would see the fox again because his wolf sure wanted to, but he didn't know what to expect. He was an alpha and though his wolf saw the rabbit offering as courting Brett wasn't entirely sure if the fox meant it as such. He had planned to get up early and go running. He paused however when he smelled a familiar unfamiliar scent. He walked to the front door and opened it peering outside. The scent of rabbit hit him and he looked down, finding one on his door mat. The wolf rumbled pleased at the offering and Brett glanced out to the trees searching. Sure enough a small fox he would know anywhere peeked its head out. The wolf rumbled pleased again and chuckled at the yip he received in return before the fox darted away.

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