Chapter 12: New Boy Consequences

Start from the beginning

    "Well, because you're by yourself and it looked like you were crying or something." 

    A sudden flash of offense spun upon his face, "Excuse me? Crying?"

    "Well I didn't me to-" he stood up rising his hands.

    "Learn how to mind your business." he then took his stuff and began to walk off, but I grabbed his arm. 

    "Really dude?" he snatched his hand and turn around slowly. He looked me dead in my eyes giving me a death glare. "I'm sorry dang, I just wanted to see if you were fine." 

    He blew out a huge breath of air and sat down, "Well things aren't to be honest, but don't ask please."

    "Good enough for me." I then sat down next to him and decided to change the subject, "So you new here?"

    "Yeah, just got here today, and so far this school isn't so bad besides the fact I don't really have friends." he didn't look at me when he said this, just looking at the floor. Deciding to cheer him up, I jumped up from the bleacher seat with a huge smile plastered on my face, "How about you hang with me? Well I mean, yeah I have other friends, but you will get along just find...especially with that attitude of yours." I whispered the last part with the huge smile still on my face. 

    A sudden smile lifted upon his face that I could see as he rose his head, "Really?" and for some reason I felt like this was some stupid movie  and  making friends is just that easy...

    "Yeah and what is your name by the way?"



    The bell then ranged for us to go to lunch and I grabbed his arm quickly so he could meet my friends.

    Passing through the hallways, and bumping into people we were almost at the cafeteria as I still held his hand. I then bumped into a hard figure and I almost fell by such force it contracted. I looked up to find Ryan, one of Mason's friends looking at me with a disgusted face. I turned my head to look at Alex who was starring at someone or something in fear. I quickly snapped my head to the direction he was starring, finding Mason looking at us in anger. Oh my gosh not this again.

    "Watch where you going dick head." Ryan growled.

    "Your mom's the one sucking it" I growled back. He then took a step forward, but Mason grabbed his shoulder.

    "It isn't worth it Ryan, chill." Mason said in a lowered tone. I could since the hurt in his voice and feel his eyes on me. I didn't have the courage to look in his face at all; I felt weak.

    He then stepped back and walked off. My hand was still on Alex's arm and I pulled him into the cafeteria.

    "Don't worry about those fuckers. They just want to beat someone up." I chuckled 

    "It looks like you're on that guy's list." my smile then vanished from my face.

    "They aren't going to do me anything," I lied. Boy, was I sure in a lot of trouble when they caught me by myself.

    It was quiet when we got our lunch from the lunch line. Alex just looked deep in thought as I could tell something was bothering him really bad, but I just ignored it.

    I looked for Sarah and Matt for a couple of seconds before spotting them at the far end of the cafeteria by the windows. "Come, lets go meet my best friends." I smile nodding my head in their direction. 

    Once over where Sarah and Matt was sitting, they looked up at me with a warm welcoming smile then turned towards Alex and gave him a confused look.

    "Hey Sarah and Matt; this is Alex. Alex, Sarah and Matt." I told as I gestured for them to shake hands. 

    "Nice to meet you" Alex smiled. 

    "Same here" both Sarah and Matt responded. 

    We all sat down and began eating our food in a awkward silence, until I decided to break it feeling uncomfortable, "So Alex, why did you decided to come to this shit hole?" Sarah started gigling while Matt let out a small chuckle.

    "Well, family problems." he said in a low tone. The silence then came, back up as we sat there for a little while.

    I then felt eyes on the back on my neck as chills tingled down my spine; it felt cold. I turned my head to see no other than Mason starring. When is this dude going to stop starring?

    "Why does Mason keep starring at you like that?" Sarah asked as I am guessing she saw Mason starring as well.

     "I don't know, but it is really creeping me out." I muttered. 

    "U-uh those eyes aren't the only one starring. I turn to look at Alex who had a worried look on his face. Following his eyes, I see Ryan giving death glares at the both of us.

    "Do they have anything better to do then just stare?" Matt said, kind of annoyed. 

    "I don't know." I said.

    "Well you know the fuck what!? They pissing me off and I am bout to ask them." with a raised tone Sarah stood up from her chair. 

    "No Sarah your going to make it wor-" I tried to plead because my life was at stake but was cut off by instant yelling. 

    "Is there any damn reason why you're ugly ass starring over here!?" almost the whole cafeteria became silent as everyone looked towards Sarah.

    "Oh God" I mumbled. This bitch then just set it off.

    Ryan stood up from his chair keeping his eyes on her with his fist ball.

    "Nobody is starring at you. You lucky you a girl cause I would of been whopped your ass about now!" Ryan's voice roared through the cafeteria as every followed with a 'OOH!'

    Now you see, Sarah has a bit of an anger problem, so yeah, lets just say she snapped. 

    "That's it!" she then walked over to there table with those choice of words and then jumped on Ryan's back and started punching him in the head. All the students went crazy as they took out their  phones and filming while yelling with excitement.

    Ryan slung her off of him and she hit the floor. Matt and I got up from our seats and ran over to Sarah who was on the ground holding her head. 

    "You okay Sarah?" Matt asked softly. 

    "Yeah, I'm fine." she said as Matt went to help her up ontp her feet carefully. I soon got angry for some reason, and decided to take it out on Mason. I turned around to face him as I seen him starring at Sarah on the ground with a blank expression. 

    "Will you control your fucking friend!" I practically screamed in his face. His face then soon flipped to confusion as he didn't say anything. He just looked in my face and I had to say, him not saying anything was killing me. I was kind of use to him yelling or something, but instead he just starred in my face with that stupid look. 

    "Ugh!" I yelled in fustration and walked back to where our table was. Sarah, Matt and Alex had just sat back down when I came. I sat down and asked Sarah if she was fine, then giving me a nod I looked back at Alex who was shocked.

    "Alex, don't worry about that, she is always like this." I chuckled. He gave out a soft smile and continued to eat.

    It's the dude's first day and he been through the drama already. 

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