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In class, Boma focused intently as the lecturer analyzed Gabriel Okara's "Little Snake and Little Frog."

Boma reflected on the story: The two friends, the little snake and little frog, whose friendship was disrupted when their mothers discovered each other's child. The snake's mother advised it to eat the frog, while the frog's mother warned it to stay away from the snake to avoid becoming prey. Both creatures heeded their mothers' warnings, and despite the snake's attempts to lure the frog back with claims of friendship, the frog remained cautious, echoing, "What your mother told you, my mother also told me."

Boma admired the simplicity and wisdom in the frog's response. She yearned for such straightforward guidance in her predicament. Perhaps her parents' advice could similarly guide her, but she hesitated to involve them and cause them to worry.

Boma struggled to ignore the menacing glares from Queen, Tracy, and Bella whenever she dared to glance in their direction. Despite her fear, she attempted to conceal it, refusing to show weakness.

Her phone vibrated with an incoming SMS. Opening it cautiously, she read a chilling message from an unknown number: "Leave before the lecture ends. Those girls have evil plans for you. Someone has been stationed outside to pour acid on your face. Leave and don't take the usual route back to your hostel. Use the shortcut bush path to confuse them as it's not your regular way."

Her heart skipped a beat, pounding against her chest as terror gripped her completely.

"I want your reviews on the Little snake and Little Frog submitted in three days." She heard her lecturer say before she rose.

"Excuse me, Sir." She said to the lecturer before leaving.

The lecturer ignored her and kept talking as she left, but she knew that her words had been acknowledged.

That was the way at Wilberforce Island University. You do not just get up and leave the class. You do not have to offer explanations either. All you need to say is "Excuse me." and you can just leave whether the lecturer permits you or not.

If a student failed to say "excuse me" when leaving class, they risked being perceived as proud or arrogant. This unwritten expectation highlighted the importance of adhering to social norms, even if there was no direct consequence from the instructors. It was understood that such behavior could potentially impact how students were perceived and supported, particularly if they needed additional assistance or favors from lecturers.

Once Boma exited the classroom, she followed the hallway leading to the back of the building where the shortcut through the bush path awaited her.

Outside, the weather was bright and fair, reminiscent of her favorite nursery rhyme: "The day is bright, it's bright and fair, oh happy day, the day of joy."

Despite the pleasant weather, Boma's mood was far from joyful. Her heart raced with anxiety, and her immediate concern was getting safely back to her hostel.

As Boma walked down the path bordered by overgrown bushes, she encountered no one until a couple of rough-looking guys and a familiar girl suddenly appeared, blocking her way. They emerged from behind a tree, one of them holding a container sealed with a cap and wearing thick gloves.

"Is this what you're running away from?" he taunted, shaking the container at her as his partners laughed. The familiar girl, Rose, spoke up mockingly, "She doesn't want her pretty face disfigured."

Boma recognized Rose from the uncomfortable encounter with Donovan.

"You guys, please don't hurt me," Boma pleaded, fear gripping her. She looked at Rose. "You're Donovan's friend. Please don't hurt me."

DonovanDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora