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You wake up feeling around the bed with your eyes closed but he was gone there was a empty space you were scared sure nothing would happen but he promised he wouldn't leave and would stay by your side you jumped up and rubbed your eyes and started looking around until you heard someone walking up the stairs "baby?" You said squinting your eyes "yes?" He said as he walked inside the room with a tray of bagels eggs and bacon  and a cup of coffee "awww.. baby.." you say as you hug him and kiss him on the cheek "your welcome now eat up and get dressed we're going shopping later" he said as he stroked your cheek and smiled "got it" you said smiling and eating bit by bit he then walks out the room and goes down stairs and looks at the couch.. the place were he jerked off to a photo of you he has on his phone he just smirks and looks down only to see that he's gotten hard just from the thought of you he chuckles and sighs as he fixes his bow tie and walks to the kitchen and unlocking the drinking cabinet and gets a bottle of whiskey, a knife, a cutting board, a cube of ice, and a cup and starts shaping the cube into a ball puts it into a cup a pours the whiskey in "why not treat myself" he said as he took a sip of whiskey "I need new pictures" he said as he then smirks "baby I'm ready" you said as you walk down stairs "alright sounds good" he said as he finishes up his whiskey and puts everything away "I'll be there in a sec" he said giving you the keys
You walk out the door and get inside of the car trying to make yourself look presentable for him *minutes later* he walks out the house and walks to the car he gets in and puts his hand on your thigh and says  "wearing my shirt and some short ass shorts around me is dangerous" as he looks at you and grips your thigh tighter you just chuckle and put on his sunglasses "alright let's get this shopping spree started" you said as you turn up the song *hours later* "we're finally done" you said as you then move your seat back and start singing along to the song that's playing leaving your boyfriend to chuckle and join in you then made it home and took most of the bags in the house he stood there for a few minutes it's as if you were walking in slow motion to him he snuck a few more pictures and got the rest of the bags "that's all of em" you said as you then put your arms around his neck and hug him "thanks for a nice time out" you say and kiss him "of course darling now go try on those outfits I'm curious to see how it looks" he said as he touches his nose to yours "got it" you say giving him one more kiss and taking 3 bags with you upstairs *minutes later* you came out wearing this red dress it was short but manageable you did a few spins and he snuck a picture he did that for every dress or skirt you wore as you got finished you decided to stick with the black lingerie to wear to sleep "why do you have to do this to me baby~" he said as he put his head back
While covering his bulge with a pillow you then take the pillow off of him and sit on his lap "your fighting fire with fire here my love" he whispered in your ear you just chuckle and kiss him while slowly moving your hips as he moans in your mouth as you continue kissing him "impatient thing aren't yo—" you cut him off with more kisses while you unbuckle his belt "you have no idea how long I've been waiting to touch you" you say as you take out his cock and lick the tip of it  he just smiles and puts his head back and tries to keep everything in as you fondle with it "I saw what you were doing last night you jerked to my picture hm? Your adorable" you say as you continue fapping his penis "ahh.. fuck...fuck you haa..haa" He then brings out a condom and rips it open with his teeth as always it read XXL he then slid it on his penis and placed you on it making you moan out *ahhh~*  he then grips your thigh "you want me to be on top of you so you can claw at my back if it hurts? Because I don't plan on stopping until I feel like it" he said as he then takes his hand off your thigh and holds your hand "holding your hand will be good enough" you say as you then kiss his hand  he then lays you down on your back "just in case" he said as he puts your hand on his  back while the other is holding his hand *ahhh~* *mmmmm~* *haa..haa..haaaaaa~* *hmph~* *ngh~* *fuck  fuck fuckkkk!" The clock struck midnight he kept going assuring things would be ok
And that he'll take good care of you *knock knock* "babe there's someone at the doo—" he stops you from saying the last word by kissing you "shh baby focus on me focus on me" he said as he rubs your cheek *knock knock knock* the knocks got more aggressive but he didn't care he keep at it "baby ahh~ I get it... but please go get the door" you say quietly trying not to moan he looked at you with his brows furrowed but he then took it out and got off of you he then put it away and buckled his pants back up and zipped up the fly *knock knock* "IM COMING NOW HOLD THE FUCK ON" he yelled out pissed as you just chuckled "what's so important that you have to stop me from having sex" he said as he pushed his hair back and walked to the door  you then walked behind him because you were interested he opened the door to be greeted by his ex "oh hey baby I've missed yo— who's that?" She said as she looked at you "baby? Uhm... who's this" you whispered in his ear "she's my ex don't worry about her" he whispered back you couldn't help but feel jealous so you slammed the door locked it and leaded him back to the couch "the beds to far let's continue" you said as you looked pissed "woah~ someone sounds pissed and looks pissed to" he said leaning close to your ear you then pushed him on the couch and started moaning his name out loud just to be sure his ex wouldn't knock again " you do the most when your jealous don't you?" He said as he pulls you down on top of him and puts his hand on your ass
You then started kissing him over and over never stopping you were mad another girl called him baby you wanted to show him that he's yours he then puts you on your back "I'm out of condoms~" he said as he whispered in your ear and got off of you "maybe if you had just let me keep going I could've contin-" you pulled him in to kiss him more instead of going further you both just made out  you both were happy with each other not just because you have sex but because he'd treat you nice as you'd treat him nice as well  he knew how to treat you and you love it

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