Chapter 8-Throwing out the Trash

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I woke up sitting on a very uncomfortable wooden chair. Just the motion of lifting my head made me incredibly nautious. I scanned my surroundings looking at the old brick walls and the wooden boxes sitting around. The ceiling had holes in it and I could see the second floor. I tried to get up and realized I was tied up by some rope. It was very skinny loose rope that I could definitely get out of. I silently thanked whoever tied me up for being careless and stupid. I looked around finding that nobody was their and easily broke free of my bonds. I started to run towards a sign on the wall that said exit. I got to the door and opened it. I was free, I ran down the alleyway and saw my car sitting in the same place. It actually wasn't that damaged so I jumped in the drivers seat and found my keys were still in the ignition. Everything was going right for me! I tried to start my car three times and on the third time it started. I raced through the creepy alley way and finally got out. I was okay! Other than the stupid headache I had I was totally safe! I was half way to my house and guess what I found in the back seat. I swerved a little bit when I noticed Aaron there. This creep was in my car this whole time and I didn't notice?! I thought to myself and scowled. He looked unconscious so I didn't worry about him attacking me again. I knew exactly where to put him so he would never one back. I started driving towards the country. We were halfway there when he started to stir. I feared for my life so I pulled off to the side of the rode and dropped him off in a nearby cornfield. He woke up with a start as I walked away, he had a bad head wound. I assumed his concussion was worse then mine. I remember kicking him in the head to save myself. Served him right, he seemed like a great guy at first but no! He was involved with a gang! He crawled towards me and reached out to me with his hand as I drove away. I hoped I would never have to see him again.

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