Deja Vu

686 17 11

Germanys POV

I was in the park.


It was the healthiest way to think and relax, I could breath.

The park was the happiest place for me. Besides spending time with Polan.

I closed my eyes, I experienced what some would call deja vu.

As I had looked around at the park and remembered when father took me to that very same park one time and he taught me how to fight that day.

It was around wwII time, I was sitting on the bench with my father.

There was smoke that covered the air as bombs went off around us.

"Vater.. ich habe Angst..""*Father.. Im scared..*"

"sein feines Deutschland, wo-""*it's fine Germany, don't wo-*""
Father was then attacked as someone jumped out of the bush and tackled him to the ground.

Father made a weird move were he turned and pinned the person who attacked them.

"Ha! You thought, remember if you're going to ruin my day make sure you think about it before you do it basterd"

"I uh-"
The man tried to explain himself but father pulled out a gun and shot him.

I was petrified.

I opened my eyes, I was back.

There was no dead man on the ground pleading for mercy.

There was no smoke in the air because of bombs.

And there was no father..

A tear fell.

"Damnit, they're back"
I turned around and back towards the gate, I was done walking for the day. It got to dark to fast.

When I looked at the gate there was a.. shadow..

"I haven't seen one of those in a minute."
I sighed and walked out of the park.


Indonesias POV

I was sitting down on the couch when I felt my phone go off.


I looked down and unlocked my phone.

(Germany) "heyyy, Indonesia.. anyways, is Poland home?"

"You've gotta be kidding me"
I scoffed as I typed back.

(Indonesia) "yes, why?"

(Germany) "well I need to talk with him about something but he is wasn't answering my calls."

(Indonesia) "weird, that's unlike of him. Anyways hes home but probably asleep"

(Germany) "oh okay.."

(Indonesia) "also what did you wanna talk to him about?"
I saw that he was typing back but that went away quickly.

After two minutes, still no reply.

"That bitch"
I rolled my eyes as I shut off my phone and sat it down.

"Indonesia, watch your language or you're getting bible duty"

"K whatever"


I was sitting down minding my own business, when father walked up to me.

"Indonesia, I'm going to take Greenland to the hospital for his appointment. You sure you're gonna be okay with Polska?"

I rolled my eyes then watched them walk out the house.


I ran upstairs after hearing something fall then crying following it.


No response.

I opened his door, I probably dented his wall because of how hard I opened it.

My heart stopped.

Poland was laying on the floor curled in a ball just crying.

"Polska..? You okay?"
I bent down laying on the floor and putting my hand on his back for some way of comfort just in case.

"I- I'm sorry.?"
He said as tears ran down his eyes.

I was confused, why would he say sorry? What happened?

"I *sniff* I fucked *sniff* up.."

"What? What did you do?"
He sat up and looked at me.

"I showed- Niemcy *sniff* saw my *sniff* ..wings.."

"POLSKA! You realize how dangerous that is?!"

"I *sniff* know"
He put his head down yet again like that's the only thing he knew how to do.

"It's alright just.. what happened exactly?"


I know it's another short chapter, my brain shut off half way through it🤪

I don't now -Lexi 2022

Daily gerpol😩

Daily gerpol😩

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Word count 648

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Word count 648

-K and Lexi

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