Dont Pick Up The Phone..

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Germanys POV

Ich woke up in Polands room I don't remember much from last night just little pieces.

"Polan?" Poland was sleeping on the floor?
"Polan, why did yous sleep on floors?"
Poland turned and looked at me.
"Because you took up the whole damn bed"
I kinda felt bad.
"Oh sorry"
"Nah it's okay dont worry about it"
I stood up and helped Poland stand up.
I looked down and saw that poland was sleeping on a bunch of cow plushies and cow stuff. Kinda strange.

We walked downstairs.
I saw Vatican City and Indonesia on the couch.

Vatican City looked at Poland then looked at me.
"Why are you still here?"
That hurt.. that really fuckin hurt.
"Oh.. Ich was just leavings.."
Indonesia looked at me she clearly didn't like me being around, I hated it when people looked at me and only saw my father. I'm not him!
"Indonesia, Father! That was fucking rude!"
It felt nice to hear that Poland was actually swearing in front of his very religious father just for me, I felt somewhat accepted and that he didn't just see my father but he saw me.. mainly cus he doesn't know who my father is yet kind of..
"We do NOT swear in this house!"
Vatican got pissed but when I looked at Poland he looked like he give a fuck.
"So? You were just hella rude towards a friend who didn't do shit to you!"
Vaticans face dropped..
I don't think he expected Poland to act like that.
Vatican went speechless..
"Ims just gonna gos.."
I started walking towards the door, I noticed Indonesia staring at me.
Vatican and Poland were just staring at each other.


I was walking home I was already almost there.
I started to cry I could tell because there was water coming out of my eyes onto the concrete.

It felt nice to know that some people know that I'm not my father and that I'm my own person, all I've wanted was people to not look at my family side just at me..
I got another itch in my arm as I started to think...
I brushed it off as I looked at my phone, I had two missed calls from Austria.
I decided to not call her back and put my phone back in my pocket, I was almost home so she could just tell me then.

I walked inside of my quiet home, well it was quite until I showed up.

"Son! Where have you been?!"
I didn't want to tell him I didn't go to the hospital but I couldn't not tell him.
"I was at a friends house for a minute why?"
I couldn't tell him that I was at Polands he would just scream at me..
"A FRIENDS HOUSE?! I thought I sent you too the hospital?!"
Dad was clearly upset, but he always is.
"There is NOTHING wrong with me! There is no need for a hospital!"
My dad looked at me very angry like he normally does, but this time it had a different feel not just anger but sadness..
"Oh yeah! What friend?!"
I felt like I had to tell him at this point..
"POLAN! Okay?!"
His anger dropped, he looked more confused.
"Polan? Why the hell would you be friends with him?!"
"Because! He doesn't treat me like shit like everyone else!"
"And why would people treat you like shit?! They are supposed to fear you!"
"THEY TREAT ME LIKE SHIT BECAUSE OF YOU! And I don't want people to fear me! IM NOT YOU!"
Fathers whole face lit into anger..
I didn't want to yell anymore.. I just wanted to be left alone.
I walked away.. I couldn't deal with the yelling, the anger, everything.
Father didn't say anything after that..


I was laying on my bed in my room alone, I didn't know what to do now..
Like I just found out a few days ago that I'm being haunted by my dead brother and then my family wanted to send me to a hospital because they thought I was going crazy and now father and I get into another damn fight!

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