The older let out a hum, before he continued to walk again. It didn't take him long before he reached the military grounds. Karl straightened his face before he walked towards the entrance. Tommy looked at the older's profile, it was completely emotionless, his rosy cheeks weren't rosy, his sparkling grey eyes aren't sparkling anymore. It was almost like a whole new person. Tommy tapped on the older's chest, catching his attention, "Papa," Tommy said. Karl let out a hum before gently placing his hand on Tommy's head. He leaned the younger down to his shoulder so he couldn't see the fighting between soldiers.

The guards bowed before permitting Karl to walk through the gate. Once Karl was inside he walked over to the general's office. Soldiers stood at attention as Karl passed, Tommy was just looking around with what little eye room he was given. He watched at the armour the men had on. Heavy netherite armour with iron katanas in their scabbards. Their faces couldn't be seen, through the black masks they wear, only their eyes could. The guards opened the door of the general's office for Karl.

The older walked in and made his way through the series of hallways. Of course it took Karl, at first, a bit of mapping in order to get around but he does it without problems now. Karl stood before the large wooden door entrance. On the top frame of the large door, it had three dragons, a red, a green and a black dragon. They all blew a flame that in one of the opposites colour. The black dragon blew a white flame, the green dragon blew a purple flame and the red dragon blew a blue flame.

It was to represent the symbols of the military. The main three dragons, the red one is Sapnap, the green one is Dream and the black one was Corpse. The three feared forces of Kinoko kingdom and the flames represent the top three council. George is the blue flames, Karl is the purple flames and white is Boomer's flame. They all work in harmony, the six of them, of course with Tina, Quackity and Nikki. Those three mainly run as secretary, Tina, treasurer, Quackity, and health administration officer, Nikki. But the true ruler of Kinoko was Karl, he came up with the idea of building the nation.

He came up with the idea of having a Japanese style country. He came up with the layout, he confirms on buildings that need to be constructed, he confirms for military affairs, he confirms for everything. And that's his role as king but Karl hides in the shadows, everyone thinks Sapnap is the king of Kinoko kingdom. Which in context is true since he is married to the original ruler but it is also false. That's what Karl wants the people to believe. Even though he is the one who does the hard work, he is willing to give someone else to credit.

So what if the people scold and ridicule him for being a lousy ruler. So what if the people compare him to his other two husbands.

"I can't believe our king married someone as lazy as his majesty." "You're right, he does nothing for us, all he does is live in luxury without lifting a finger." Some of the examples of what the villagers say. Of course none of them would dare say that to his face. Let's just say, Karl isn't a fan favorite but Sapnap is adored by all.

"Ahh! Our king has made another good decision yet again!"
"Right? The place has never been more lively, my children has been having the fun of their lives!" Examples of the good things they say. Karl doesn't care much about other's opinions unless they benefit him. He usually sneaks around to see what the villagers want, or what they think they need. Karl writes them down and debates on which ones he should instill in the country.

Karl took a deep breathe in before he shook the thoughts out of his head. Karl reached for the golden ring on the middle of the door. He knocked loudly on Sapnap's door which alerted the younger's attention. "Who goes there?" Sapnap asked, loud enough for the person on the other side to here. "Karl, my general," the older replied, formally. "Proceed," the younger said before sitting back in his chair. Karl pushed the heavy doors open with just one hand. He may not look like it but he is fully capable of protecting himself and others.

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