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Hello friends...
I am back with the next part...
Enjoy reading the update...



Sameer woke up early as usual to do his workout. He was going to join college from today. Once he was ready, he called up his family and had a brief chat with them. He looked around his luxurious apartment and smiled. This was the first time that he was staying in an apartment. Till now, he had spent his all years in hostel and his vacations at his home with his family. This felt different. He had wanted to stay in hostel this time too, but his mother had opposed the idea.

Vishakha had many relatives in Delhi and with their help, she had arranged for her son's accommodation. Not only this, she had even arranged for a house help who would cook and keep his apartment clean and tidy. Sameer had outright refused hearing her proposition but then her mother was very much famous with her emotional blackmailing stuff, so he had half-heartedly agreed. But now, he was happy that he had approved. He had finally got some alone time too. In the hostel, he had to follow some rules and would have some or the other friend around him while here he had his own freedom, his own space.

The house help, Shanta aunty, came at around seven in the morning and made him breakfast. She had asked him if he wanted anything to be made and packed for his college too. Sameer had politely refused and asked her to come in the evening to make dinner. Even when Sameer had denied, Shanta aunty had made few more parathas and wrapped up in an aluminum foil. While leaving for college, he had picked them up and kept in his bag happily. He would never waste food. He thought he would eat them whenever he would be hungry.

When he locked his room, he heard faint voice of music from the apartment next-door. He smiled; he had always been a hardcore fan of music. Before the door to the elevators closed, he saw the door to that apartment opened and someone walked out. He couldn't see clearly who it was. He smiled yet again, "Jo bhi ho, kabhi naa kabhi toh mulaaqaat ho hi jaayegi."

Naina had got a late start in the morning. As usual she had forgotten to set the alarm and had got up when the house help had arrived. She had gotten ready in a jiffy and was now running towards the elevator which had just closed. She had even shouted to the person to stop the lift, but she assumed that her voice wasn't loud enough for that person to hold onto the elevator till she reached.

Sameer reached the basement and walked towards his bike which had been delivered just yesterday. His father had asked him if he wanted a car too. But he had refused citing that his bike was enough for his travel to college and back. Sameer had other reasons to avoid a car. He never wanted to make use of something that wasn't his and hated to flaunt his richness in front of strangers. He was happy with his bike which he had bought for himself a year ago from his hard-earned money. While in the hostels, he had taken up part-time jobs and earned enough for himself. Though his parents transferred funds in his account regularly, he used them only when it was needed. His basic needs were covered with his earned money. He was a self-made man. He never liked to show-off his family's wealth, but his name was enough for the others to know from which family he came from. Sameer reached college half an hour before his classes and decided to look around the campus till his lectures started for the day.

Naina reached basement and walked towards her red Mercedes car. She drove to college and parked the car in the parking lot which always drew attention. Everyone in the college was now used to seeing that red car and the owner of it too. Other than her group of seniors, no one talked to her. Was she happy about it? Yesss... obviously, she knew her behavior was beyond rude which she always presented in front of people, warding them off completely and giving no scope even for a small talk.

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