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Hello friends...
I am back with the next part...
The much-awaited confrontation between Samaina is here...
Enjoy reading the update...



Naina was feeling drowsy because of the medications. The doctors and the nurses requested her to eat but she was not listening to anyone. She was firm on her decision. Until Sameer gave her a chance to speak, she was not going to devour anything. Since that unfateful day, she was surviving on water. She had only eaten a sandwich as Munna had made her to eat that night when they had arrived. After that, she didn't have anything.

Naina had hoped that Sameer would give her a fair chance to explain her side. But after the revelation of the bet, Sameer had blocked her from his life. He never reciprocated to her initiatives to speak. She was habituated to him since they had become friends. They had all their meals together every day, then how could she eat alone without him? She knew that he had got back to his life as his best friends were with him and were taking proper care of him.

Naina missed him terribly. Every corner of her apartment reminded her of him. The couch reminded her of all the times that they spend watching the horror movies and web series together, their fights over the television remote control to watch cricket or basketball matches, their coffee breaks, their study sessions, their stupid banters about anything and everything. What she missed the most was his mere presence in her life which brought out her positive side openly. He had changed her and she had happily changed for him. She missed his care, his love, his attention, and most importantly HIM.

Thinking about Sameer, she opened her personal dairy and started writing in the dull room in the hospital. After a while, she didn't know why but she felt his presence and she looked up. The door opened and there he stood. Their gazes clashed and everything around them stopped. Shanta aunty who was sitting on the chair next to Naina's bed got up and left the couple alone in that room. The door closed behind her and the couple stared at each other, taking in each other's facial features after so long.

Naina could finally breathe as she saw her love, her Sameer standing in front of her. It felt like an eternity that she was seeing him. His gloomy pale face pierced her heart. She knew that she was the sole reason behind his heartbroken state.

Sameer stood motionless as he saw his dream girl after such a long time. His heart broke yet again as he saw her weak condition. It pained him a lot to see her in such a bad state. But who was responsible for all this? They were going through the same pain and hurt. Their eyes misted as the flashbacks of the past few days replayed in their minds.

Before entering her room, Sameer had spoken with the doctor who had updated him about Naina's health. His friends were not lying that she hadn't eaten anything since that day. At first, he thought that his best friends and Shanta aunty were making up a story so that he would talk to her. But his little chat with the doctor confirmed that they weren't bluffing. Naina really hadn't eaten anything since last few days and even now, she was not listening to the doctor and was being stubborn.

Though Sameer wanted nothing to do with her, he could never see her suffer. She was his dream girl, his love. Even if he was heartbroken because of her, he never wanted her to skip her meals and punish herself this harshly. Already he had broken their friendship or relationship whatever they had between them. This itself was a huge punishment for her, for them. But he could not bear that Naina was punishing herself by stopping the intake of her meals. He could not let that happen. He would never live it down if anything happened to her because of all this.

Sassy Girl Has My Heart ❤️Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz