"Jaha deserves it, he floated our mother and locked Octavia up" he told me.

"I didn't ask for you to do that, I didn't ask for any of this" Octavia added then suddenly took off running.

"O wait!" I yelled out.

I turned around back to Bellamy with disbelief.

"This whole time, you never told me" I said softly.

"I didn't think you would understand Anna" he whispered.

"I understand more then you know Blake" I cried.

"I'm sorry. For everything" he told me softly.

"Please forgive me" he asked me.

"Forgive me for Murphy, for not listening then and even now" he added.

I shook my head and went to walk away, I felt Bellamy grab my hand and pull me back to him. My body collided with his and suddenly, I felt his lips on mine.

I kissed back as my hands dropped down to his waist and his hands cupped my face. I pulled away and looked him in the eyes.

"I can't forgive you Bellamy, not just yet" and with that I walked away from him.

I felt him stare at me as I slowly faded away from him.

When I reentered camp Clarke and Finn were asking me a million questions, like where have you been? And where's Bellamy? Have you seen Bellamy?

"He's on his way to the pod, I tried to stop him put nothing worked" I sighed sitting down.

"The radio" Clarke stated.

She grabbed me by the arm and pulled me up.

"Watch it my hands still healing" I spat at her.

"You're coming with us lets go" she replied.

Before I could even speak I was being pushed out of camp with Finn and Clarke.


We made our way through the forest, over logs and through the green grass. The sun soon came up and was shining above us.

"You think the grounders got here first?" I wondered.

"Only one way to find out" Finn replied.

"I don't like that answer" I sighed.

"Guys over here!" Clarke then yelled.

I ran over to where Clarke was. My gaze then changed from her to a small cargo pod, it had landed in a small clearing.

"Well go on, you wanted to find it" I pushed Clarke forward.

"Ladies first" she smiled.

"She bites back, that's new" I said to her.

I held my gun down in front of me as I walked closer to the pod. I opened the door and was met with a girl in an astronaut suit.

"Uh guys? It's a person" I told them.

Clarke came over and took a look at the girl. She had dark brown hair and tan skin. Finn went off to explore the pod, looking at its features.

"Finn get away from the ship" I suggested to him.

"It looks so cool though" he replied touching the ship with his hand.

"I hope one day you're gonna touch something and regret it" I laughed.

Suddenly the girl in the ship woke up and Clarke helped her out. She was bleeding from her head but didn't seem to care.

The girl spun in circles looking around in amazement.

"Is it raining?" She asked us.

"Sure is" I replied smiling.

"Annabeth help me with the bandage" Clarke asked me.

"Wait Annabeth? Sgt Woods?" The girl questioned me as I put the cloth to her head.

"Yeah, no offence but who are you?" I asked her.

"Raven Reyes" she explained to me.

"Well Raven, welcome to earth, it crazy weird down here" I told her.

I looked back to Finn who was still wondering around.

"Finn, stop touching that!" I yelled.

He whipped his head around to me and his face immediately fell into shock.

"Raven?" He ask.

"Finn!" She replied.

I watched as the two hugged and then much to surprise they kissed one another. I looked back to Clarke knowing that Finn and her had a spark.

"Oh Griffin I'm sorry" I told her.

"It's okay" she sighed.


Chapter ten maybe, yeah I lost count again. Yes we got our first Bellamy and Annabeth kiss it's crazy anyways, hope you guys like it also shout out to the one person who keeps reading make me happy.

Collide : Bellamy Blake Where stories live. Discover now