
"We are here!" – Fumiya excitedly runs out of the car.

"Fumiya, wait for me" – Chuuya said as he watches his son jumps up and down because the young boy is easily being entertained by the colorful things that he can see in the amusement park.

"Sir—I mean Chuuya-san, the driver and I will be near in case you needed help" – Higuchi said as she bows down.

"Thanks" – the executive answered, to be honest, he doesn't think that anything bad would happen because it's an amusement park, what could go wrong right?

"Mama, mama, let's go there!" – Fumiya pulls his mother by his hand as he points to a ride that catches his attention.

"Alright, alright" – Chuuya happily followed his son. Being in that place again made the ginger feel sad because it reminds him a lot of Dazai and his friend Oda, but he didn't let that emotion take over him, he needs to focus on Fumiya.


At the Armed Detective Agency.

"Huh? Where's the birthday boy?" – Yosano asked while carrying a box of cake as she enters the office.

"He went out with Dazai-san" – Kenji answered while all of them are sitting at their respective station.

The lady doctor placed the cake on top of her own table "Is Kunikida-kun alright with that?"

Kunikida who at that time is busy on his laptop and can obviously hear the conversation just chooses to ignore them, he is still irritated to Dazai.

"Well he let them go because he said that the more time he spends with Dazai-san the more he wanted to strangle him to death" – Kenji said "I guess that only proves how much he entrust Atsushi-kun to Dazai-san"

"I don't think that's what it means" – Yosano could only smile feignedly then she averts her attention "Tanizaki-kun I'm surprised that you are okay with them spending time together alone"

Tanizaki "No, I'm not" – he answered "What if a member of the gang group finds out that Atsushi is out there? Can that Alpha even protect him?"

"Are you sure that is what you are worried about? Isn't it because you're just jealous of them?" – Yosano asked.

"I'm not jealous!" – Tanizaki exclaimed "I'm just worried about him, I've seen him after he suffered under that Takasekai's leader, that soulless Alpha, he is a monster!" – he added with an angry tone. Yes, he may feel jealous because he has affection for him but it stems from a more deep reason than that.

"Sounds like you really hated Alphas, are you forgetting that you are an Alpha yourself and so as Kenji-kun?" – Ranpo joined in as he turns around his chair.

"Kenji and I are different because we are not like those Alphas who take advantage of others!" – Tanizaki snarled.

The story goes about Tanizaki's past was that he and Naomi a Beta whom he considered his sister were in the same orphanage in Tokyo which was destroyed by a gang group in search for an Omega, they weren't successful in doing so because there's no Omega, unfortunately, Naomi went missing along with other children during the event and they were believed to become victims of human trafficking. A year later the orphanage was reestablished and then took more children, one of those children is Atsushi who is said to escape his capturer—the Alpha leader of gang group named Takesekai, the same gang who previously attacked the orphanage. Seeing how vulnerable Atsushi was because he doesn't have full control of his ability and that he is traumatized by his past experience, Tanizaki swore to protect him at any cost, the thing that he failed to do for his adopted sister Naomi.

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