Eclipse x Intruder!Reader

Start from the beginning

The door shuddered before lifting up, allowing you to go inside. 

You were stunned to see two large golden statues in the middle of the room, one of a sun-like animatronic with his hands in the air, the other was a moon-like animatronic down in a creepy stance, you shivered looking at that one.

"Creepy.." You muttered.

Looking out you saw the mesh lining surrounding the actual daycare, it was fairly dim but you couldn't help but gaze in child-like wonder, this place looked amazing! 

Looking for the next entrance in you figured out the slide was the only way. You were hesitant, you new you'd likely get stuck seeing as it was a slide meant for little kids, there was probably a staff door you could enter through, but that would need either keys, or a keycard of sorts.

Accepting your fate you put your legs in first, pushing your self down you managed to get to the very end, having to push a little harder to get your chest through. Landing in a large ball pit you were happy to finally be out of that stuffy slide. 

Trying to be quiet as humanly possible you practically swam to the ledge of the ball-pit, lifting yourself out you dusted yourself off. 

Taking a moment to look around you spotted a security desk, you knew it was a longshot, but hopefully they had something there that you could take. You wanted to get the hell out of here before it opened. 

Fast-walking towards the security desk you couldn't help but feel like you were being watched, it felt like eyes were watching you from all the dark areas.

"Lets just get this over with" fear was beginning to set in, you didn't want to be in here anymore. You didn't know what it was but it felt like being in here any longer would prove itself to be dangerous, maybe even life threatening. 

Swallowing the lump forming in your throat you climbed behind the counter, kneeling down you started looking through the few boxes they had stored underneath.

"Looking for something...?~" You heard a soft voice echo out, feeling your heart drop to the pit of your stomach you stayed in your place, not wanting to move, hoping you'd somehow turn invisible.

"I know you're here.. " It said again, cursing under your breath you slowly stood up, trying to find the source of the voice.

"I'm up here, little intruder~" The voice chuckled, you looked up, being eye to eye with a very massive animatronic. They had to of been at least three to four feet taller than you! You saw it hanging from a wire, but they were deathly still, almost as if they've practiced being up there time and time again.

"Care to explain why you'd broken into my daycare... little intruder?~" He asked, this time with a taunting tone of voice. 

You tried to swallow the fear that was forming in your throat, knowing that if you didn't answer soon you'd likely be decapitated. 

"I uh.. Well.. hah.. um.." You couldn't find the words, you barely even made up a sentence.

"I see... So you came in here without reason.. Is that it?" He slowly lowered himself down, landing on his two feet. You were startled to see he had four arms. You wondered where the two gold plated animatronics were, maybe you were just that unlucky to have come across this monster.

"No! I mean.. uh.. No, sir?" It sounded more like a question than a remark. 

"I'm here because I'm looking for something to give to my friends.. see they had dared me to break into here and grab something.." You laughed nervously, hoping the monster standing in front of you believed you. It wasn't a lie, but it definitely sounded like one.

Moon/Sun Oneshots DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now