Chapter 4

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"W-what?!" Izuku stammered "ran away?!"

"(Y/N) ran away 5 weeks ago..." Mei whispered.


"Please Mei, take the Tea.." Inko insisted handing the other woman a cup of Tea.

"Thank you Inko..." Mei smiles taking the cup of tea.

"Do you know why (Y/N) would do such a thing? She's such a good kid. I would never imagine her running away!" Inko starts up a conversation still in shock about the incident.

Mei snuffles, "Me and her got into a fight about joining the Sur-" Mei stops and continued, "joining a club I didn't approve of..." she stammered.

"Oh...we'll I bet you were just looking out for her," Inko said. Mei nods and takes a sip of the tea.

"I just hope she's okay wherever she is..."


"What the fuck." (Y/N) says, "I didn't understand a flying fuck but! I know I'm in a team with Mikasa!" (Y/N) smiles.

"Heh, me neither I don't understand the positions-" Eren says scratching his nape.

"Wonder why I'm in a group with Mikasa. I swear she can be her own team and still survive." (Y/N) asks, the dark-haired girl next to her then blushed due to the compliment.

"ANYWAYS GUYS!" (Y/N) yells out getting the attention of the group.

"Don't yell we're deadass in front of you." Jean snickers.

"Shut up horse face, with you're fatherless ass. Where is he? Getting the milk? With a ho-" next thing you know (Y/N) is tackled to the ground by Jean. "Bro- I knew you were flirty but, shiii-" (Y/N) bites her lower lip and flips Jean around her being of the top.


"Hmph! Dang Pablito got deformed ..." (Y/N) frowns holding out a messed up clay figure of what seemed to be a chibi frog.

"What's that supposed to be?" Connie asks

"Your mom!" She yells and turns to her clay figure "it's okay Pablito I'll make you your farm after I fix you!"

"There's no way she babying a clay figure-" Jean said still on the floor.

"Sometimes I don't understand anything she does or says," Eren says.

"Same." Everyone else agreed simultaneously.


"(Y/N)!" Armin yells out,


"I wanted to know if you- well...wanted to train together?" He asks

"Hmmm, sure why not I'm not busy."


"Come on (Y/N)! We need your help to beat Sasha!" Jean pleaded


"You're the only one here with culinary taste and academics! Please!" Jean continued to plead.

"No, and DON'T thi-"she crosses her arms then gets interrupted "Jean wha-"

Jean is then on his knees pleading for (Y/N) to help him, and as soon as he stops silence, then

"BAHAHAHA WHAT THE FUCK ATE YOU DOING JEAN?!" (Y/N) bursts out laughing with tears in her eyes.

"I- uh-" Jean turns red from embarrassment

"As the Americans would say; "That's a knee slapper!" (Y/N) says mocking an American accent.

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